Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism – a new division in the Spiritist milieu?

Views: 129 It seems that some Spiritists – those who did not understand the proposal of Spiritism – work for division, and not for collaborative construction. They find an object of their criticism everywhere and in everyone, which, although they may have some basis, are almost always lost due to the notorious lack of depth […]

Rational Spiritualism and Paul Janet's Treatise on Philosophy

During the nineteenth century, what we call the human sciences were established from a spiritualist assumption for their constitution. Meanwhile, in the natural sciences, such as Physics and Chemistry, materialism predominated. This condition is very different from what we are used to today, when the university is almost completely guided by materialistic thinking.

Semear Project — Formation of Study Groups

Views: 0 Welcome Welcome to this journey, friends of Kardec! What a satisfaction to see you here, dear souls, seeking the learning that is so important and from which the spiritists have strayed a long time ago…. Pay attention to the formation of this group or others. The initiative is serious and the matter is serious. The enemies of the doctrine are again agitated, […]

Daniel Gontijo and ex-spiritists

Daniel Gontijo, materialist and atheist, on his YouTube channel, entitled “Prof. Daniel Gontijo”, chose to highlight very superficial analyzes of Spiritism, a philosophical science that, unfortunately, he does not know. To do this, it forms a quorum with “ex-spiritists”, people who also do not know Spiritism, and ends up issuing or echoing opinions that end up reflecting a…

Undersigned: FEB does not represent Spiritism!

Visualizações: 956 A Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB) assumiu um caráter muito distante e, em muitos pontos, diametralmente oposto aos princípios fundamentais do Espiritismo, tão bem demonstrados pelos estudos extenuados de Allan Kardec, que a eles entregou seu tempo, seus recursos, sua saúde e, ao final, sua vida. A FEB recomenda a não evocação, quando ela […]

Knowing True Spiritism

I am always emphatic in demonstrating that the Spiritist Movement is considerably far from true Spiritism. We almost always find the Spiritist Movement, represented by the Spiritist Centers, the FEB, the USE and the speakers and representatives of these institutions, surrounded by atavisms, trapped in systems of ideas built on distortions and on spiritist romances, attached to their own opinions […]

Spiritism in Brazil and criticism of spiritists

Visualizações: 1,661 Muito temos falado sobre a grande distância entre o Espiritismo, ou a ciência espírita, e aquilo que aprende e divulga o Movimento Espírita no Brasil, cada dia mais contaminado por distorções e misticismo. Não creio necessário repetir os fatos a esse respeito. Limitamo-nos a recomendar o leitor aos artigos A distância entre o […]

Heaven and Hell and the strange campaign of the CSI of Spiritism and the Portal Luz Espírita

The Luz Espírita portal, supported by biased research by Carlos Seth and others, continues to carry out an “odd campaign”1 against those who conclude differently from them, based on piles of evidence that they choose to disregard. It is notorious to say that, “on this side”, far from dismissing the evidence they found, we only verified that it does not prove the…