Isolation of heavy bodies

Views: 3 The movement imprinted on inert bodies by will is today so well known that it would be almost childish to report facts of the kind. Kardec begins this article, saying something more or less like this: “that tables can be lifted from the floor by psychic force, this is already a known fact”. Today it seems very…

True Charity, according to Spiritism

Views: 126 Charity: term so used everywhere, but still so misunderstood. What would be true Charity, according to Spiritism? For us, spiritualists, it appears everywhere, in all literature. Kardec made it the necessary basis for any and all happiness, saying: “outside of charity there is no salvation”. The affirmative, of course, was born […]

Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec

Featured Undersigned: FEB does not represent Spiritism Discover true Spiritism: click here to find out more. Kardec's original (unadulterated) works for download: Heaven and Hell and Genesis Download the book Heaven and Hell for free, from the publisher FEAL (original, unadulterated edition): Download The book for free […]

Group Purposes

Allan Kardec – or Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail – was the great researcher, scientist, professor and philosopher who, with extreme devotion, dedicated himself to the study of what we now know as Spiritism, or Spiritist Doctrine. Formed on the basis of Pestalozzi's pedagogy of love and fraternity, whose principle was to investigate the causes and […]

The Double Concept of Good and Evil

The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity that we have not yet mastered in our lives; This is not evil, but simply a mistake.

Passive Obedience and Blind Faith—The Two Principles of the False Idea

Continuation of the article The True Mentality and the False Idea. Several times in his works, Kardec mentions Passive obedience and blind faith. Now let us reflect on why they are the principles of the False Idea. The false prophets, in order to conquer through passive obedience, needed to prevent the masses from learning through their own effort without […]