Facebook group membership


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  • Our main objective is to meet Spiritism in its essence and apply this knowledge in our own lives.
  • After each study, we aim to produce articles, on the website and in Facebook groups, that complement and formalize the study, but that also allow the inclusion of hearing impaired people. 
  • Unlike other studies on Spiritism, which start from conclusive works, we are starting from a journal that demonstrates Allan Kardec's method of exploration, reasoning and deduction, in the construction of Spiritism (here understood in the human part of this science). There is enormous gain in doing so, but we are not unaware of the issues that need be complemented with later conclusions, so as not to become “lame”, as is the case with the theory of fluids, abandoned by Kardec in his final work, A Genesis.
  • The Spiritist Magazine, unlike other works, is a periodical that combines:
    • subjects and "stories” of the time — which, far from being uninteresting, served to support the Doctrine, based on the daily life of spiritist facts experienced among the world population, but which, from the current point of view, sometimes does not have much relevance for our study.
    • writings much denser and well elaborated by Kardec, with extreme perspicacity, that little by little, and in a very organized way, build all this science that is Spiritism — a science that is currently unknown and forgotten.
  • The importance of Revista Espírita is not only moral, but also practical. By studying it, we see a constant construction of knowledge, at the same time that we constantly see a deconstruction of current false concepts, as you it needs understand in the articleWhat is the Spiritist Magazine and how to study it?. Here is one more reason for the format of our study, because false concepts are not broken by blows.
  • Spiritism needs to be rescued and known in its essence, both moral and practical, so that we can resume the studies of this Doctrine, together with the Spirits. This study plays an important role in this regard.
  • Today we know, after all, that this science did not walk alone: far from it, it was a development of the Rational Spiritualism and a “twin sister”, as Kardec said, from Magnetism. That is why, in due course, we approach this knowledge, in a simple, practical and punctual way, since, to delve deeper into these two themes, we always recommend reading the works Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism and Mesmer: the denied science of animal magnetism, both by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, among others (see our list of recommended works).


  • Adulterations: in this group, we concluded that Kardec's last two works, O Céu e o Inferno and A Gênis, were adulterated. We can indicate why we reached this conclusion, but we won't argue about it, since the facts are there for everyone to verify. Check out the articleOur Final Position on Tampering“.
  • Nosso Lar, Spiritual Colonies, Umbral, Vale dos Suicides, etc: the study leads us to the conclusion that these ideas started from the thoughtless acceptance of reports of spirits in a state of disturbance or with very little understanding of the science of spirits. Therefore, they will not be subject of discussion without purpose. Check out the articleOur Final Position on Spirit Colonies and the Threshold“.
  • In this group, Spiritism is studied based on the works of Kardec, necessarily. This does not mean that other works and other authors cannot be treated, but this will be done as long as what is sought is the search for understanding and approximation, based on Spiritism, and not for mere confrontation.
  • The most basic premise of all is the study. Having randomly read The Spirits' Book or The Gospel According to Spiritism it's not study. Nor is it appropriate study, although it is study, to dwell on mediumistic works, without the essential knowledge of the spiritist science. We are far from having fully understood the doctrine, but there are fundamental points that require dedication to be understood. Count on the group to indicate and suggest paths and contents of importance.



    1. will not be given To nobody the right to give final words on what is not duly established in the Doctrine. However, care will be taken to ensure that, in order to comply with this rule, rules no. 3, 4 and 5.
    2. Just as Kardec dealt with the opinions of disembodied spirits, we treat the opinions of incarnated souls, that is, what is just an opinion will be treated only as a simple opinion and we will not make systems out of it.
    3. We must avoid that any theme that deviates from that main one or any point of discord is exhaustively approached during the study, so that there are no deviations and monopoly of words or opinions. What to do in these cases: seek to study, in Kardec, the subject in question and present, at a new opportunity, the results found. Failure to comply with this rule of good manners will be promptly stopped through the intercession of administrators.
    4. Everyone is free to come to their own conclusions, guided by their own reason, safeguarding the objectives of the study and the doctrinal basis. For example, the theme about the existence of spiritual colonies is not properly consolidated, but the issue of reincarnation is. If what is consolidated, in the Doctrine, was not accepted by the reason of a certain person, he will certainly feel inclined to leave the studies, since they do not speak to reason. What will not be accepted will be the systematization of personal opinions in the group, as explained above.
    5. Political and religious themes will not be addressed (this one, in the sense that it may bring any disquiet or humiliation. We remind you that Spiritism is open to people of all beliefs). Here, we paraphrase Kardec, in Spiritist Journey in 1862:

[…] one should refrain, in meetings, from discussing particular dogmas, which would certainly offend certain consciences, while questions of morality are of all religions and all countries. Spiritism is neutral ground on which all religious opinions can meet and join hands. Now, disunity could be born of controversy. Do not forget that disunity is one of the means by which the enemies of Spiritism seek to attack it; it is for this purpose that they often induce certain groups to occupy themselves with irritating or compromising issues, under the specious pretext that one should not put light under a bushel. Do not allow yourselves to be trapped in this trap, and that the leaders of groups be firm in rejecting all suggestions of this type, if they do not want to pass as accomplices in these machinations”.

  1. The Group makes use of the website https://www.geolegadodeallankardec.com.br and various virtual platforms to promote Spiritism. Anyone who feels interested in being part of this, creating texts that can help, should contact the Group's administrators.
  2. All digital media have other collaborators, also placed in management roles, who can take care of the continuation in the eventual absence, for a limited or indefinite period, on my part.
  3. All those who wish to actively participate in the study meetings, by video, questioning or giving their opinion on the articles in question, must register and observe the following organization:
Read articles related to the topic BEFORE the study meeting. This will allow you to always be on top of issues as they can be addressed in the time available and the scope of each issue. We reiterate: the Spiritist Magazine, for group studies, is not something that can be read line by line, without a previous reading, since many subjects present a formidable extension.
9. Finally, I reiterate our objective of building on dialogue. So, help us to establish this dialogue, using social networks for this too.
Fill in the following form with the necessary data for admission to the group. We will not accept entries from unregistered persons.

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