How to create your group


We are delighted that you were so interested in creating your own group. We recommend before you find out about the group purpose, from our "regiment” and the “first steps” programmed, which can be replicated to your own group. In addition, we ask that you get to know our “recommendations booklet“, where you can find an organizational outline for the groups in formation.

Also, feel free to enter contact with us for any necessary support and information.

Please, after starting your group, do not forget to register your information in our form, so we can keep the much needed contact.

We encourage the necessary seriousness in dealing with this subject and the observation that first it is necessary to form a cohesive, strengthened group, very well grounded in study and focused on work with total detachment and without any interest other than charity in the face of the Doctrine of Spirits. This is entirely necessary before any intention of initiating conversations with the Spirits, through mediums who want to join the cause, as it is necessary that we understand, with great discernment, the example of the steps followed by Allan Kardec,

That is why we recommend that the group's initial studies be based on the Revista Espírita, with the necessary previous study of the other basic works. The study carried out in this way will give rise to a better understanding of Kardec's performance and to deepen the knowledge that will provide the necessary basis for further studies.

It really is a huge task to which we propose ourselves like little ants, putting some grains to start the anthill. We cannot, however, be discouraged by the call to work.