Family talks from beyond the grave


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Spiritist Magazine — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 > May > Family lectures from beyond the grave: the Spirit of Mozart

the composer Mozart

One of our subscribers sent us the following two interviews, with the Spirit of Mozart. We do not know where and when they took place; we do not know the questioner or the medium; we are completely strangers to all this. However, it is remarkable the perfect agreement between the answers obtained and those given by other Spirits on several key points of the Doctrine, in completely different circumstances, both for us and for other people, and which we have transcribed in previous numbers. and not Spirits Book.

We call the attention of our readers to this similarity, who will draw the conclusion that seems most appropriate to them. Those, therefore, who could still think that the answers to our questions are a reflection of our personal opinion, will see whether in this case it was possible for us to exert any influence.
We congratulate the people who supported this conversation on the way in which the questions were asked. Despite certain flaws that demonstrate the inexperience of the interlocutors, in general they are formulated with order, clarity and precision and do not deviate from the line of seriousness that constitutes an essential condition for obtaining good communications. Elevated spirits address serious people who in good faith want clarification. The frivolous spirits make fun of frivolous creatures.

first conversation

1. ─ In the name of God, Spirit of Mozart, are you here?

─ Yes.

2.─ Why is it Mozart and not another Spirit?

─ It was me you evoked: so I came.

3.─ What is a medium?

─ The agent that unites mine to your Spirit.

4.─ What are the physiological and psychological changes that, despite himself, the medium undergoes when he enters into an intermediary action?

─ Your body feels nothing, but your Spirit, partially detached from matter, is in communication with mine, uniting me with you.

5. ─ What is happening in him at this moment?

─ Nothing with the body; only a part of your Spirit is attracted to me; I make his hand work by the power that my Spirit exercises over him.

6.─ So, does the medium enter into communication with a spiritual individuality different from his own?

─ For sure. You too, without being a medium, are in contact with me.

7.─ What are the elements that contribute to the production of this phenomenon?

─ The attraction of spirits, in order to instruct men; laws of physical electricity.

8.─ What are the essential conditions?

─ It is a faculty given by God.

9.─ What is the determining principle?

─ I cannot say.

10.─ Could you reveal your laws to us?

─ No, no, not yet. Later you will know everything.

11.─ In what positive terms could the synthetic formula of this wonderful phenomenon be announced?

─ Unknown laws that you could not understand.

12.─ Could the medium put himself in relationship with the soul of a living person? Under what conditions?

─ Easily, if the person is asleep. [1]

13.─ What do you understand by the word soul?

─ Divine spark.

14. ─ And by Spirit?

─ Spirit and soul are the same thing.

15.─ As an immortal Spirit, the soul is aware of the moment of death, aware of itself or of the immediately after death?

─ The soul knows nothing of the past and does not know the future until after the death of the body. Then he sees his past life and his last proofs; chooses his new atonement for another existence, as well as the test to pass. Thus, no one should regret what he suffers on Earth, but he should bear it with courage.

16.─ After death, is the soul disconnected from every element, from every terrestrial bond?

─ Of every element, no. She also has a fluid of her own, which she extracts from the atmosphere of her planet and which represents the appearance of her last incarnation. Earthly ties are nothing to her anymore.

17.─ Does she know where she comes from and where she is going?

─ The fifteenth answer resolves this question.

18.─ Does nothing take her with her from down here?

─ Nothing but the memory of good works, the regret of their faults and the desire to move on to a better world.

19.─ Does it encompass, in a retrospective glance, the whole of your past life?

─ Yes, to serve your future life.

20.─ She glimpses the purpose of earthly life and its meaning; the meaning of this life, as well as the importance of the destiny that is fulfilled here, in relation to the future life?

─ Yes, she understands the need for purification to reach infinity; wants to purify himself to reach the blissful worlds. I am happy, but I am not yet in the worlds where the vision of God is enjoyed!

21.─ Is there a hierarchy of Spirits in the future life? What's your law?

─ Yes. It is the degree of debugging that characterizes it. Goodness and virtues are the titles of glory.

22.─ As a progressive power, is it the intelligence that determines the ascending march?

─ They are above all the virtues, above all love of neighbor.

23.─ A hierarchy of Spirits implies a hierarchy of residences. She exists? In what form?

─ Intelligence, which is a gift of God, is always the reward of the virtues of charity and love of neighbour. Spirits inhabit different planets, according to their degree of perfection. In them they enjoy greater or lesser happiness.

24.─ What is to be understood by superior spirits?

─ Purified Spirits.

25.─ Is our terrestrial globe the first of these steps, the starting point, or do we still come from a lower point?

─ There are two globes before yours, which is one of the less perfect ones.

26.─ Which world do you inhabits? Are you happy there?

- Jupiter. There I enjoy great calm; I love everyone around me. We don't have the hate.

27.─ If you remember earthly life, you must remember the couple A…, from Vienna. Have you seen them both after your death? In what world and under what conditions?

─ I don't know where they are. I can't tell you. One is happier than the other. Why do you tell me about them?

28.─ By a single word, indicative of a capital fact in your life, and which you cannot have forgotten, you can provide me with certain proof of that memory.
I urge you to say such a word.

─ Love; recognition.

second conversation

The interlocutor is no longer the same. It seems, from the nature of the conversation, that this is a musician, happy to be entertained by a master. After several questions, which it seems useless to reproduce, Mozart says:

1. ─ Let's finish with G's questions… I'll talk to you. I will tell you what in our world we mean by melody. Why didn't you summon me sooner? I would have answered you.

2. ─ What is the melody?
─ For you it is often a memory of your past life; your Spirit remembers what he saw in a better world. On the planet Jupiter, where I live, there is melody everywhere: in the murmur of the waters, in the rustle of leaves, in the wind song; the flowers hum and sing; everything produces melodious sounds. Be good and reach this planet by your virtues. You chose well, singing God. Religious music helps uplift the soul. How I wish I could inspire you with the desire to see this world where we are so happy! Here we are all very charitable; everything is beautiful! Nature so admirable! Everything inspires us with the desire to be with God. Courage! Courage! Believe in my spiritist communication. I am the one who finds myself here. I enjoy the power to tell you what we experience. If only I could inspire you enough to love the good, so that you might become worthy of this reward, which is nothing in comparison with others to which I aspire!

3. ─ Is our music the same on other planets? ─ No. No song can give you an idea of what we have here. She is divine! O happiness! He seeks to deserve the enjoyment of such harmonies; fight; has courage! Here we don't have instruments: plants and birds are the choristers. Thought composes and listeners enjoy without material hearing, without the assistance of the word, and this at an immeasurable distance. In the superior worlds this is even more sublime.

4. ─ What is the life span of a Spirit incarnated on another planet than ours? ─ Enjoy on the lower planets; longest in worlds like this where I have the happiness to be. On Jupiter it averages from three to five hundred years.

5. ─ Will there be great advantage in returning to inhabit the Earth? ─ No, unless we are on a mission, because then we advance.

6. ─ Wouldn't we be happier if we stayed like Spirit? ─ No, no! We would be stationary. We ask for reincarnation in order to advance towards God.

7. ─ Is this the first time that I am on Earth?

─ No. But I cannot speak of your Spirit's past.

8. ─ Could I see you in a dream?

- If God allows it, I will make you see my dwelling in a dream, which you will remember.

9. ─ Where are you here?

─ Between you and your daughter. see you. I'm in the shape I was in when I was alive.

10. ─ Could I see you?

─ Yes. Believe and you will see. If you had more faith, we would be allowed to tell you why. Your own profession constitutes a link between us.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an influential Austrian composer of the classical period who passed away at the age of 35. Mozart showed prodigious musical ability from his childhood.

11. ─ How did you get here?

─ The Spirit permeates everything.

12. ─ Do you still think you are very far from God?

─ Oh! Yea!

13. ─ Do you understand better than we do what eternity is?

─ Yes, yes. In the body you cannot understand it.

14. ─ What do you understand by Universe? Was there a beginning and will there be an end?

─ As you think, the Universe is your Earth. fools! The Universe had no beginning and will have no end. Think that he is entirely the work of God. The Universe is infinity.

15. ─ What should I do to calm down?

─ Don't worry so much about the body. Your spirit is disturbed. Resist this tendency.

16. ─ What is this disturbance?

─ You fear death.

17.─ What can I do to not fear her?

─ To believe in God. Above all, believe that God does not deprive the family of a father useful.

18.─ How to achieve this calm?

─ By will.

19.─ Where to find this will?

─ Take your thoughts away from that through work.

20. – What should I do to improve my skill?

─ You can summon me. I got permission to inspire you.

21.─ When I'm working?

─ Certainly! When you want to work, sometimes I'll be by your side.

22.─ Will you listen to my work? (A musical work by the questioner).

─ You are the first musician who evokes me. I come to you with pleasure and listen to your works.

23.─ How come they didn't evoke you?

─ I was evoked, but not by musicians.

24.─ By whom?

─ By several ladies and amateurs in Marseille.

25.─ Why does the Hail Mary move me to tears?

─ Your spirit is released, it joins mine and that of Pergolese, who inspired that work for me, but I forgot that part.

26.─ How could you forget the music composed by yourself?

─ The one I have here is so beautiful! How to remember what was just matter?

27. ─ Do you see my mother?

─ She is reincarnated on Earth.

28.─ In which body?

─ I can't say anything about it.

29.─ And my father?

─ You are wandering, to help with the good. It will make your mother progress. They will reincarnate together and be happy.

30.─ Does he come to see me?

─ Many times. To him you owe your charitable impulses.

31.─ Was it my mother who asked to be reincarnated?

─ Yes. She had a great desire to reincarnate in order to progress, through a new test, and enter a world superior to Earth. You've already taken a huge step.

32.─ What do you mean by that?

─ She resisted all temptations. His life on Earth was sublime compared to his past, which was that of an inferior Spirit. So he climbed several steps.

33.─ So she had chosen a test above her strength?

─ Yes, that's right.

34.─ When I dream that I see her, is it really her I see?

─ Yes, yes.

35.─ If they had evoked Bichat [2] on the day of the inauguration of his statue, would he have responded? He was there?

─ Yes, it was; and me too.

36.─ Why were you there?

─ Like many other spirits who appreciate the good and who feel happy when you glorify those who care about suffering Humanity.

37.─ Thank you, Mozart. Goodbye.

─ Believe me; believe that I am here... I am happy... Believe that there are worlds above yours... Believe in God... Evoke me more often, in the company of musicians. I will be happy to instruct you, contribute to your progress and help you to ascend to God. Summon me. Goodbye.


[1] If a living person is evoked in a waking state, he may fall asleep at the time of the evocation, or at least suffer a numbness and a suspension of his sensory faculties. Often, however, the evocation produces nothing, especially if it is not done with a serious and benevolent intention.

[2] Marie François Xavier Bichat was a French anatomist and physiologist. Bichat is best remembered as the father of modern tissue histology and pathology. Despite the fact that he worked without a microscope, he was able to significantly advance the understanding of the human body.


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Written by 

Joel Moura is a student of Spiritism who defends the firm belief in the influence and intermediation of the spiritual plane in our lives.

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