Final point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec – study of the work

The sister group, Grupo de Estudos Espiritismo para Todos (EPT) is developing studies of a very interesting and important work, on its YouTube. Weekly, on Saturdays, they look at the book “Ponto Final: o reencontro do Espiritismo com Allan Kardec”, a work in which Wilson Garcia goes deep and scrutinizes the paths that led the current Spiritist Movement to be this religious, dogmatic movement, far from science and averse to reason and logic.

We have no other way of saying it: Wilson Garcia really puts his finger on the wound, in a necessary and urgent action, following the path started many decades ago by other scholars of the Spiritist Doctrine and, more recently, by the works of Simoni Privato and Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo.

We'll highlight a short excerpt from the book's introduction, then link to videos from the EPT studies, which you can follow or even participate in.

Certainly, spiritism has been seriously affected in its credibility by the proliferation of charlatans and speculators who present themselves as healers, fortune tellers or fortune tellers, who use the doctrine's name in an inappropriate and abusive way. Similarly, the publication of pamphlets and books full of strange messages loaded with an anachronistic religious mysticism, tempered with supposed revelations and apocalyptic prophecies, announced by entities of heterogeneous origin or category, contributes to discredit the publication of pamphlets and books full of strange messages. It is necessary to add to this pandemonium the proliferation of works of spiritualist or esoteric tendencies that surround the borderline areas of spiritist thought, in whose pages, in a veiled or explicit way, the affirmation that they surpass spiritism, supposedly bearers of more current knowledge or modern.

All this semantic and conceptual chaos, of which the doctrine founded and systematized by Kardec is absolutely foreign, affects to a greater or lesser extent the progress of the spiritist movement from its origins to the present day, in France and elsewhere in Europe, as well as in Brazil and in numerous countries on the American continent. It is enough to remember the insistent efforts that are made within the ranks of Kardecism to demarcate and protect themselves from the influences generated by Ramatisism, Ubaldist monism, Trincadism, the Basilio cult, Emanuelism, Umbanda and other syncretisms, and, of course, Roustainuism. , denomination that receives the set of theories and beliefs gathered in the work The four Gospels […]

GARCIA, Wilson. Final point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec. EME Publisher, 2020.

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Click below to watch the playlist videos of this study.