Spiritist Magazine – Feb/1858 – Wandering or incarnate spirits

These are the states of the Spirit, which can be incarnated, that is, connected to a physical body, or in a wandering or erratic state, that is, in the interval between one incarnation and another.

To err, in this context, means “to be without the right direction”. It is clear that the Spirit has a course, traced by God, but, as he does not know this course from his imperfection, he only experiences the learning of improvement, he is said to err or that he is in a state of erraticity while he is free from matter, but waiting for a new incarnation.

Pure Spirits, of course, do not fit into this classification, as they no longer need to reincarnate, since they have, theoretically, covered the entire evolutionary scale.

Mademoiselle Clairon and the Ghost


Kardec brings the story of an actress, written by herself, already in her 60s. In it, Clairon tells that a man who fell in love with her, after dying, began to haunt her for two long years – out of anger at her indifference.

She says that, day after day, and witnessed by many other people, including police officers, she began to suffer several very unique episodes:

  • Piercing screams under her window, almost every night, at 11 pm.
  • At a certain point, the screams turned into “rifle shots” that, although they did not materially hit anything, not even the windows, they promoted sound and light disturbances, believing whoever witnessed them was the target of a sniper.
  • Once, they would have been “hit” by a slap, delivered by the ghost:

“Accustomed to my ghost, who I considered a poor devil who limited himself to doing mischief, I didn't realize the time. As it was hot, I opened the bad window and, with the steward, we leaned over the balcony. Eleven o'clock strikes, the shot is heard and we are both thrown into the middle of the room, where we fall like dead. Coming back to ourselves and feeling that everything had passed, examining ourselves to see that we had both received - he on the left cheek and I on the right - the most terrible slap that could ever be applied, we laughed like madmen.

An anonymous writer commented attributing the reports to the girl's imagination, since everything would have happened at the time when "she was from twenty-two and a half to twenty-five years old, which is the age of inspiration and that this faculty in her was continually exercised and exalted by the way of life she led, in the theater and outside of it.”. The author follows: “It is also necessary to remember that she said, at the beginning of her memoirs, that in childhood she was only entertained with adventures of apparitions and sorcerers, who told her that they were true stories.”.

The unsigned comment seems to refer to the fact that Clairon demonstrated, in everything, that she was only exaggerating a fertile imagination. However, Kardec counters:

“We only know the fact through the account of Mademoiselle Clairon. Thus, we can only judge by induction. Now, our reasoning is the following: Described by the same Mademoiselle Clairon in its most minute details, the fact has more authenticity than if it had been reported by third parties. It should be added that when he wrote the letter where the fact is described, he was about sixty years old and, therefore, he had passed the age of credulity, of which the author of the note speaks. This author does not question Mademoiselle Clairon's good faith in relation to her adventure: he only admits that she was the victim of an illusion. That it had been done once is nothing extraordinary, but that it had been for two and a half years already seems more difficult to us. It is even more difficult to suppose that such an illusion was shared by so many people, ear and eye witnesses of the facts, including the police themselves.”

Kardec continues, saying that the report seems likely, but, as a good researcher, he does not accept it as absolute truth, since he could not analyze it more closely. Regarding the facts, we remember that no they are in disagreement with the spiritist teachings and the facts already known, such as those of different physical effects. In fact, we remind you that there are very serious studies on such facts, as reported and analyzed, very seriously, by the Spiritist researcher Ernesto Bozzano. We cite the works “Transport Phenomena” and “Spiritism and the Supranormal Manifestations”, recommending the reading, in addition to The Mediums' Book, which presents an important theoretical introduction to such phenomena.

Over the ghost, it is noted, says Kardec, that it is not a necessarily evil spirit, but a bottom (our word), full of passions and imperfections:

The violent passion under which he succumbed as a man proves that earthly ideas predominated in him. The deep traces of this passion, which survived the destruction of the body, prove that, as a Spirit, it was still under the influence of matter. His revenge, however harmless, denotes low feelings. If, therefore, we refer to our table of classification of spirits, it will not be difficult to determine its class: the absence of real evil naturally separates it from the last class, that of impure spirits, but evidently it had much of the other classes of the same order. , for nothing in him could justify a superior position.

Reading Suggestions

  • “Transport Phenomena”, by Ernesto Bozzano
  • “Spiritism and the Supernormal Manifestations”, idem
  • The Mediums' Book, by Allan Kardec

Isolation of heavy bodies

The movement imprinted on inert bodies by the will is today so well known that it would be almost puerile to report facts of the kind.

Kardec starts this article like this, saying something like this: “that tables can be lifted off the floor by psychic force, this is already a known fact”. Today it seems very strange to us to think this way. Because?

The phenomenon was already widely accepted – and studied

We need to understand that Spiritism emerged in the midst of the movement called Rational Spiritualism, adopted in France, mainly, as an opposition to the materialist movement and the old religions that enslaved thought. According to FIGUEIREDO, 2019, the Movement, “It is characterized by the adoption of scientific methodology, seeking to do with the human being what has been successfully achieved by studying the matter: the understanding of the natural laws that underlie it. In other words, it replaced blind faith with a rational faith, a requirement of the new times.”¹. 

At that time and in that context, the moral sciences studied everything born of human action, and that included the study of phenomena psychological¹ of magnetism and somnambulism, among many others. Well then: Spiritism, having been born in a so favorable, unfolded easily and, precisely because of this, quickly conquered countless adepts, among whom many, perhaps the majority, were educated, serious and dedicated to the sciences. All this to bring the relevant understanding that Rational Spiritualism was already concerned, before the birth of Spiritism, of “supernormal” phenomena, as Bozzano calls them, among which the magnetization of a heavy object, such as a table, which then moved and rose, against the laws of known of Physics, was a known and studied fact.

The psychological sciences deal with the natural laws that govern human nature. And these laws are of two kinds, the experimental or empirical, expressing the results of the experience of the human spirit as it is, and the others being ideal, representing the end towards which we must direct our faculties by means of evolution, or as such. they should be. The study of the human being in its real state is experimental psychology itself. (FIGUEIREDO, 2019)

Kardec, Mr Fortier and the turning tables

In fact, at this moment, we interrupted to return to Kardec, who tells about his contact with Mr. Fortier, known magnetizer:

It was in 1854 that I first heard of turning tables. One day I met Monsieur Fortier, whom I had known for a long time, and who said: Do you already know about the singular property that has just been discovered in Magnetism? It seems that it is no longer only people who can be magnetized, but also tables, making them turn and walk at will. – 'It is indeed very singular,' I replied; but, strictly speaking, this does not seem to me radically impossible. The magnetic fluid, which is a kind of electricity, can perfectly act on inert bodies and make them move'. The reports, which the newspapers published, of experiences carried out in Nantes, Marseille, and in some other cities, did not allow any doubts about the reality of the phenomenon.

Kardec, A., Posthumous Works, Rio: FEB, 1964. p. 237

It is noted that Kardec calmly accepted the phenomena in question, and the turning table was not his first contact with magnetism. However, shortly afterwards, a new episode will mark forever its history with the nascent Spiritism: 

Some time later, I met again with Mr. Fortier, who said to me: We have something much more extraordinary; not only do you get a table to move, magnetizing it, but also to speak. When questioned, she responds. — This now, I replied, is another matter. I will only believe it when I see it and when they prove to me that a table has a brain to think, nerves to feel and that it can become sleepwalker. Until then, allow me not to see in the case more than a story to make us sleep on our feet.” [emphasis ours]


Returning to the article in question…

All of the above is for us to understand, rationally, the logic that led Kardec to so calmly accept isolation (and motion) of heavy bodies. He continues to make an analysis similar to the one made before Mr Fortier's account, when he said that the tables responded intelligently: if there is intelligence, there is an intelligent cause. Where, then, is this cause?

It is important to highlight, as Kardec demonstrates in the article, that we need to be very calm to analyze such facts and their reports, so that the overexcited imagination does not make the phenomenon seem like “magic”: to reach the lifting of a heavy body , it takes a lot of concentration and several attacks, with which the phenomenon seems to gain more and more strength, not happening in a snap of the fingers.

It is also noteworthy that Kardec mentions that the facts obtained “at Mr. B…” took place repeatedly, even without the contact of hands and in the presence of several witnesses, including those “very unfriendly” and who would not fail to raise suspicion if they had reason to do so. The same type of phenomenon also occurred easily in several other houses.

Reading Recommendations

To deepen the study, we recommend, in addition to the works “Transportation Phenomena” and “Spiritism and the Supranormal Manifestations”, by Ernesto Bozzano, the study of The Mediums' Book, where, in chapters I, II, III, IV and V of the Second Part, an extensive theoretical approach on the subject is carried out.

We also recommend the book “Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism“, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

  1. That is why the Spiritist Journal is called “Journal of Psychological Studies”, in perfect agreement with the understanding of the moral sciences in the historical and social context of Allan Kardec.
  2. FIGUEIREDO, Paulo Henrique de. Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism, 2019, editor FEAL

The Forest of Dodona and the Statue of Memnon

Kardec begins this article by contextualizing the reader in the environment of a room, as in countless others, where the phenomena occurred typological so common at that time. Removing the possibility of fraud, knowing the environment in which he found himself, in order to look for valid hypotheses for the cause of these phenomena, he continues to unfold a logical and rational sequence of ideas, in order to demonstrate the need to never accept any idea, positive or negative, blindly:

A young bachelor's student was in his room, studying points from his Rhetoric exam, when there was a knock on the door. I think everyone admits that it is possible to distinguish the nature of the noise, and especially in its repetition, whether it is caused by a crack of wood, by the stirring of the wind or by some other fortuitous cause, or if it is someone knocking, wanting to enter. In the latter case, the noise has an intentional character, which cannot be confused. That's what our student thinks. However, in order not to be unnecessarily bothered, he wanted to make sure, putting the visitor to the test. If it's somebody, he says, knock once, twice, three, four, five, six times; tap high, low, right or left; beat the musical time; ring the military call, etc., and to each of these requests the noise obeys with the most perfect exactitude. Surely, he thinks, it can't be the crack of wood, or the wind, or even a cat, no matter how clever. Here's a fact. Let us see what consequences the syllogistic arguments will lead to.

Thus, he made the following reasoning: I hear a noise, therefore, it is something that produces it. This noise obeys my orders, therefore, the cause that produces it understands me. Now, what understands has intelligence, therefore the cause of this noise is intelligent. If it's intelligent, it's not the wood or the wind; if, then, it is not the wood or the wind, it is someone. Then he went to open the door. Let us see that it is not necessary to be a doctor to reach this conclusion and we believe that our future bachelor is sufficiently attached to its principles to conclude as follows:

Suppose that when he opens the door he finds no one, and that the noise continues exactly as before. He will follow his sorites¹: “I have just proved to myself, without question, that noise is produced by an intelligent being, since it responds to my thought. I always hear that noise in front of me and it's certain that it's not me who knocks, so it's someone else. Now, if this other one I don't see, of course he's invisible. The corporeal beings that belong to Humanity are perfectly visible. This knocker, being invisible, is not a corporeal human being. Now, since we call incorporeal beings spirits, he who knocks, not being corporeal, is therefore a spirit”.

Although Kardec made a simplification, as he did not address the need to look for possible hidden causes responsible for the “knocking on the door” (which he always sought to do), a very clear and simple line of logical thoughts is evident that, if followed, it would make many stop falling into contradictions and denials in face of what is so clear and evident.

It was in this way, when the phenomena of typtology, that answers were obtained about the questions made to the Spirits: through blows, in a defined shape or number, letters, numbers, binary answers, etc., were indicated, in addition to, for a more developed, they often indicated, by a particular sign, that they wanted to write; “then the writing medium would take the pencil and transmit his thoughts in writing”.

Among the attendants, not to mention those around the table, but of all the people who filled the hall, there were genuine unbelievers, half believers and fervent believers who, as is well known, constitute an unfavorable mix. The first ones, we leave them at ease, waiting for the light to shine for them. We respect all beliefs, even unbelief, which is a kind of belief, when it is respected enough not to shock opposing opinions. So, then, we will not say that his observations are useless. His reasoning, much less verbose than that of our student, can generally be summarized as follows: I don't believe in spirits, therefore, they cannot be spirits, and since they are not spirits, it is a trick. Such an assumption leads them to admit that the table would have a mechanism, in the manner of Robert Houdin.

Kardec cites the assistants, or witnesses, highlighting those who were convinced that everything was a farce, presenting their logic of thought. The answer follows:

First, it would be necessary for all tables and all furniture to have machinery, since they are not privileged; second, no mechanism is known to be sufficiently ingenious to produce at will all the effects just described; Third, it would be necessary for Ms. B… had purposely prepared the walls and doors of his apartment, which is unlikely; fourthly, finally, it would have been necessary to prepare the tables, the doors, the walls of all the houses where similar phenomena occur daily, which is also not to be assumed, because then the skillful builder of so many wonders would be known. .

It can be seen that they do not want to take the path of a bachelor's degree and, in advance, they have already decided to discredit.

We also have the “half-believers”, to whom Kardec recommends returning to the arguments of the future bachelor.

And, among believers, there are still three nuances, three other types of believers: the curious, who do not take moral advantage of the phenomena in question; the learned and serious, who do; and blind faith believers, who believe in the table as they would in a oracle (priest in charge of consulting the deity and transmitting his answers), without reflecting on his answers, accepting them without submitting them to the sieve of reason and agreement.

Ending the article, Kardec goes back twenty-five centuries in the past, in the sacred forest existing in Epirus (Greece), where the oaks preferred oracles and where, adding “the prestige of the cult and the religious pomp”, it is easy to understand the veneration of an ignorant and gullible people. The hissing of the wind between the leaves, the sounds emitted by the statues and other phenomena, when true, were the beginnings of spiritist communications which, however, were taken as absolute truth and blindly followed.

  1. Logic or reasoning composed of a series of propositions linked together in such a way that the predicate of one becomes the subject of the next, and so on until the conclusion, which has as subject the subject of the first and as predicate the predicate of the last previous proposition. the conclusion.

Lectures from Beyond the Grave – Miss Clary D… – Evocation

Noteworthy, the article in question, which we decided to approach in an anachronistic way, that is, out of the original order, brings some interesting themes, in lecture with the Spirit of Miss Clary, who died at the age of 13 and who became the genius, that is, the protective Spirit of the family. Among them, there is his reincarnation, without a defined date, in another world, the sensation of the body, caused by the memory, the displacement of the Spirit through space, with the speed of thought, the intrinsic question of the perispirit in this displacement and, finally, , the outcome of the article, when, when asked if they could see, there, her “body” (perispirit) as it is currently, they are answered that, for that, it would not depend on her, but on them, under the following conditions: “you retire for a time, with faith and fervor; to be outnumbered; isolate themselves a little and get a medium like Home”.

Understanding now that Mr. Home was a powerful medium of physical effects, donor of the fluids necessary for such phenomena, we understand very well the reason for this need.

Our considerations on material phenomena

We think it is important to highlight our own considerations about material phenomena, since they still raise many doubts and discredit, especially after Spiritism has gone through almost 150 years of misrepresentations and false understandings.

Material phenomena still exist, just as the mediums who produce them still exist, this is logical. However, we believe that such phenomena, today, may not have so much expression because, when they occurred, they were motivated to draw attention to spiritist phenomena, which, some claim, is no longer needed today.

This is one way of seeing. The other would be that these phenomena only diminished after the development of Kardec's studies because, then, they were no longer necessary, since it was much easier to communicate through psychography, mainly, than through blows. But even then, these phenomena did not stop completely, as we can see with the example of Mr Home and, later, with the example of the well-known medium Eusápia Palladino, studied by Cesare Lombroso with great seriousness and dedication.

Now, as Spiritism has been so misunderstood over time and methodological studies have been forgotten in the past, leaving room for mystifications and the unbridled growth of materialism, even among spiritualists, we ask: would such phenomena not come today? bring attention again to the spiritist facts? We dare not answer categorically, but only recall the several reports that are put to our eyes every day, in the various groups on the subject, on social networks, and about which, for the moment, we only highlight: “what if?”

the avarice

Moral dissertation dictated by Saint Louis to Madame Ermance Dufaux, on January 6, 1858

The dissertation in question has a moral nature and, therefore, requires the analysis and reflection of each one, individually.

However, we note the reflection made by Kardec at the end, because the Spirit of Saint Louis speaks of eternity of suffering, “when all the superior spirits are in agreement in combating such a belief”. It turns out that he ends up saying: “to punish you, God wants you to BELIEVE him”, which is the same thought presented in the general characteristics of Third Order Spirits, in The Spirits' Book.

“[…] the more imperfect the spirits, the more restricted and circumscribed their ideas. For them the future is vague, and they do not understand it. They suffer; his sufferings are long, and for one who has suffered for a long time, that is to suffer forever. This thought alone is a punishment.”

The Book of Spirits

Closing the First Chapter of the first edition of Revista Espírita, Kardec mentions the publication of The Book of Spirits, bringing to light a very interesting and sensible article published in Paris courier, of June 11, 1857, as well as some letters addressed to him, thanking him for the consoling work presented in that work. It is interesting to note how the press, at the time, cited such events without the great need to criticize them without foundation, as we often see today.

Reading the admirable responses of the Spirits in the work of Mr. Kardec, we told ourselves that there would be a beautiful book to write. We quickly recognized that we had been wrong: the book is already written. We would only spoil it if we tried to complete it.

G. Du Chalard – Paris courier, of June 11, 1857

Kardec ends up talking about how the Book was created, in its first edition, largely with the help of the Baudin sisters. After the first edition, it was recommended by the Spirits themselves to carry out a review of the work. It is important to highlight that Kardec always sought to confirm the answers obtained mainly by intuitive mediums with mechanical mediums, where the influence of the medium would be less or non-existent. In addition, on the more complicated issues, he sought a greater number of “opinions”, asking the same question to different spirits, through mediums everywhere. This is the well-known Universal Concordance of the Teachings of the Spirits.

Story of Joan of Arc dictated by herself to Miss Ermance Dufaux

Here Kardec cites the case of Joana D'Arc, without delving into it. She would have herself conveyed a message to Miss Dufaux, telling the heroine's story in more depth, highlighting having been a medium and explaining her journey. Kardec says he will return to this case on another occasion, but it is interesting to mention that he accepted such content, verifying that the medium in question was only 14 years old when he received it and that, even though he came from an educated family, he would hardly have found it in libraries. such little-known details about the character in question.

It is interesting to point out that Miss Dufaux had an important participation in the Spiritist Magazine itself, where, according to Canuto de Abreu, she cooperated in transmitting valuable guidelines for this journal:

At the end of 1857, Kardec had the idea of publishing a spiritist journal and wanted to hear the opinion of the spiritual guides. Ermance was the chosen medium and, through her, a Spirit gave the Master of Lion many excellent directions. The organ was named “Revista Espírita” and was launched in January of the following year.

It was also Mr. Dufaux, Ermance's father, who cooperated a lot in the foundation of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, when he managed to obtain authorization for the Society's meetings in just 15 days (the laws in force did not allow the free meeting in closed places, being Kardec himself many sometimes followed by “police officers” in order to verify and report their encounters and meetings).

She was also a great cooperator in the revision of The Spirits' Book, in the 2nd edition of the work.

Recognition of the existence of spirits and their manifestations

In this somewhat more extensive approach, Kardec draws attention to the fact that spiritual manifestations are evidently recognized even within the Roman Catholic Church, from which he cites a great article, published at the time, in Civiltà Cattolica, from Rome. Very interesting to note the tone of the article, where, at times, it seems that we are reading a text by Kardec himself, given the lucidity and honesty of the analysis of the facts in question.

It is worth remembering the case of the work “Purgatory Manuscript”, where a Sister, within the context of the Catholic Church, received and published several psychographs of other brothers, from within the same context, already deceased. The work begins with a long introduction, full of however and meanwhile, aiming to explain what happened as something allowed by God only in that very strict situation, but which is worth at least a superficial analysis.