Will he be the Famous Painter?
Correspondence received and published by Revista Espirita in 1859 from a famous Dutch painter: Rembrandt
Correspondence received and published by Revista Espirita in 1859 from a famous Dutch painter: Rembrandt
Visualizações: 3,268 Surgiu, recentemente, uma suposta carta psicografada do diretor da Chapecoense. O assunto é cansativamente repetitivo: sempre que acontece uma tragédia, seja individual, seja em grupo, que chama a atenção da sociedade, aparece uma suposta psicografia que, por falta read more
Views: 26 The study of the Revista Espírita of July 1858 opened up space for an important aside, regarding Psychography. We talked about the following topics at our meeting, as you can see below. From The Book of Mediums read more
Spirits communicate in many ways. The first of them took place through the phenomena of typtology and sematology, very time consuming and laborious. Later, they moved on to the phenomena of psychography and psychophony.