The Double Concept of Good and Evil

This article The Double Concept of Good and Evil is a continuation of the article The Truth that Sets You Free

Pixabay GoldenVionist

The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity that we have not yet mastered in our lives; This is not evil, but simply a mistake.

Thus, through this false mentality, the person believes that it is better to avoid mistakes. But how can you avoid mistakes? “Do as I say” is what religious leaders and academics alike say, demanding blind obedience. In the gym, you often hear, “Do as I say.” “You are incapable, I know what is best!” “Learn from me and repeat my words!” (HETERONOMY). However, memorizing and imposing does not lead to learning, as each individual has their own way of learning and understanding; some faster, others less; skills differ from individual to individual; Who said there was only one right way?

True progress lies in everyone understanding the reasons why things don't work. It is impossible to achieve something without trying. Unfortunately, we condition ourselves to fear error as a sin, which paralyzes people, preventing them from trying and, consequently, from evolving. This notion is absurd; It's a false idea!

Allan Kardec established that Spiritism is a Philosophical Science, a classification from the 19th century. At that time, science was divided between Natural Sciences and Philosophical Sciences, the latter included the spiritualists. At that time, all these philosophical ideas were being discussed. Surprisingly, when revisiting the academic texts of that century, we discovered scientific spiritualism, which, together with Spiritism, has the potential to build a new world.

At the book “Heaven and Hell”, Spiritism explains that the double concept of good and evil are not personified in God and the Devil, nor are they limited to the exclusive division between the saved and the damned. This false dichotomy diverts humanity from the correct path.

There is no battle between good and evil; any statement to the contrary is misleading, as Evil is an illusion that dissipates when understood (AUTONOMY). Understanding is the tool of Good.

All creation exists in function of divine law, God's ministers organize the worlds, life and humanities according to the path of good. But the human spirit needs act in good by understanding the truth, in a free and disinterested way, that is, You need to overcome the false idea through your effort, conquering faith supported by reason: rational faith!

Pixabay by Congerdesign – O Bem

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

The Truth that Sets You Free

Continuation of the article The Dominion by Lies and Violence

Jesus came to bring us the truth that sets us free! He mentioned the devil in the Bible, but did he believe in the literal existence of the devil? The word “Devil” is written in the Bible, but its meaning goes beyond the literal.

Pixabay – Golden Violinist – birds

It really all comes down to interpretation. God and Devil are representations of Good and Evil, respectively. However, viewing the Devil as purely malevolent is a misconception. The Devil is not an entity; it resides in those who embrace this false idea. Mal has no form, is not a real entity. No one is inherently evil. Is there anyone truly evil in this world? No, because evil is a false conception that supports a habit. When someone changes their mindset, they stop acting in evil ways, but overcoming the habit is a long process. However, you never overcome if your mentality doesn't change.

What will really transform the world is genuine education – not that which merely perpetuates false ideas, that decorates teachings, but rather that which is understood, which liberates. The weapons of good are understanding and explanation. How can I make you understand that the future of the world lies in cooperation? Simply explaining and cooperating endlessly, without worrying about the results.

We are introducing a new habit into the world. By overcoming the false idea of evil, we will see global renewal, offering new opportunities for everyone. There is no Spirit that will not, sooner or later, choose the path of good. However, the good is not imposed; everyone must achieve it with their own effort.

True understanding will free us from this false dichotomy between good and evil, leading us to a life of cooperation and harmony. The following passage from Jesus is revealing:

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your father, you would love me. I came from God and I go [to God]. For I did not come on my own, but He sent me. “

Bible – Volume I: New Testament – The four gospels – Gospel of John (pp. 470-471). Company of Letters. Kindle Edition. Trans. Frederico Lourenço

Jesus said he was sent by God and not by his own means. He came to teach the Law of God.

43 Why do you not understand my speech? Why you can't hear my word.


Science advances mainly through a paradigm shift, that is, a change in ideas.Paradigm comes from the Greek “paradigm”, which means “example” or “model”. Initially, it was applied in grammar (to define its use in a given context) and rhetoric (to refer to a parable or to a fable). From the 1960s onwards, it began to be used to define a model or a standard in any discipline scientific or epistemological context. source: Click here. We have to understand what the new idea looks like. So, after it makes sense, we test it and when we verify its coherence, we adopt it. The key is to share the new idea.
But that doesn't mean everyone will become superior, that's not the world's idea. Children do not need to study at school just to get the best grades, generating competition between them. Each person must seek to learn more than they knew before, as we are all spirits at different stages of evolution. There are very intelligent spirits in our world because they have spent more time experiencing the world. However, the intelligent are not superior to the simple, because in other existences they were simple like them. They came to our world because they felt more prepared there. Intelligent spirits are not malevolent or demonic; however, they must cultivate simplicity to serve and contribute, not to be served. This is the great motto of the world.

To move toward happiness in this world, we need to help remove the blinders from the eyes of those who are blinded by false ideas. However, they will not easily accept acting for everyone. Thus, some leave for another world, where they can progress, help many others to progress technologically more quickly and have a new opportunity to rethink their choices. It is not a punishment or punishment to be sent to another world; it is simply a consequence of a choice that did not allow them to evolve. If they reconsider their attitudes in the other world, renewed, they can return here.

This has occurred in our world; the simple ones were on Earth when the exiles arrived. They were given a second chance by coming here, but now they must contribute in useful ways to the advancement of this world. Unfortunately, many have fallen into the false idea that they must be served, thus creating all the mistaken ideas that permeate the world. But whenever we try to explain the truth, because it is a false idea, they resist.

This is the last opportunity both to change your mindset and to fully participate in this world. Those who refuse to cooperate will not understand the truth through force, memorizing orders, or blind obedience. Only through personal effort can someone understand.

44 You are [children] of your father the devil; and you want to put your father's wishes into practice. He is homicidal from the beginning and was not and is not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters the lie, he utters it from his own; for he is a liar and is the father [of lies]. 45 Me because I tell the truth you don't believe me. 46 Who among you condemns me regarding error? If I speak the truth, why don't you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God listens to the words of God. This is why you do not listen to me: because you are not from God.”


This part of John's Gospel is pointing out that the “devil” is in the false idea of superiority and purity. When we consider ourselves pure and superior, we tend to judge and condemn others who we consider simple and inferior. However, the act of judging is, in itself, a false idea: when we point out the error in another person, we are actually making a mistake, as we are judging the person instead of their specific behavior. This is equivalent to considering the person as “evil” and condemning them unjustly. Nobody has the right to act like that. Not even benevolent spirits condemn others in this way.

Evil reveals itself in the distortion of divine law, when we seek to satisfy our personal interests at the expense of the submission of the simplest, sacrificing their tranquility and happiness. However, we must reject the notion of superiority due to our knowledge.

In this context, our responsibility becomes even more crucial! Those who possess knowledge have a duty not only to help those less knowledgeable, but also to serve.

We must dedicate our efforts to disseminating knowledge and ensuring that many understand it. The future of the world lies in cooperation, not competition. Any new value must be shared globally so that everyone can benefit.

48 The Jews answered and said to him: “Do we not say well that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”. 49 Jesus answered them: “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50 I I do not seek my glory. There is one who seek and judge. 51 Amen, amen, I say to you: if anyone observes my word, he will not see death until eternity.”


In this part, it is expressed: “You are contaminated by evil! And there’s a devil!” If someone already thinks the other is a devil, there seems to be no solution. Those who are selfish and arrogant label others as inferior, always seeing the evil in others. Religious fanatics see those who are different as inferior. Materialists judge those who think differently as inferior. The crux of the problem is when an individual believes they are superior and is stubborn about not changing their mind, even when faced with the truth. The truth confronts you, questioning your lofty self-image.

Now, if someone considers themselves superior, they will only recognize their error when they reach that conclusion on their own. Often, this person, deep down, does not really believe in their superiority, which is why they feel the need to affirm it so vehemently.

The only factor that makes us equal is our individuality. We are unique Spirits, each with different experiences to develop and understand. However, having more knowledge does not make us superior to others. What truly defines the evolution of a Spirit is not its intelligence or experience, but its ability to understand the law of God. The goal of the Spirit is to give the best of itself.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Double Concept of Good and Evil

The Dominion by Lies and Violence

Those who make mistakes consciously use violence and lies to dominate and act for their own benefit.

Continuation of the article The Truth about Evil and Punishment.

To achieve dominance over others, the strategy is often used to make them believe that the error or failure lies in not obeying, therefore deserving punishment. At the same time, the illusion is propagated that obeying will bring rewards. This is the trap of evil, known as heteronomy. Those who submit are then controlled through conditioning, and this is where the true violence of evil lies.

Evil acts through violence and lies. She proclaims: “You must obey! If you don’t obey, you will receive punishment!” Then she states: “This is the only way to deal with those who refuse to obey.” This is an inversion of values.

Evil manifests itself in the false idea that distorts divine law, seeking the satisfaction of interests and personal joy at the expense of the submission of the simplest, sacrificing their tranquility and happiness. However, we must not be fooled into thinking that we are superior because we have knowledge. And do you know the error of the one who knows? Indifference! Having values and not using values for good.

In this sense, our duty, which you already know, intensifies! The responsibility of those who have knowledge goes beyond simply helping those who are less educated; they must also serve. Reflect: The duty of those who know is to serve the simplest!

We should not think about taking advantage of our knowledge, but rather about cooperating. We must use our efforts to disseminate this knowledge and make many people understand it. The future of the world lies in cooperation, not competition.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Truth that Sets You Free

The Truth about Evil and Punishment

What is evil and punishment Truly?

Continuation of the article Passive Obedience and Blind Faith—The Two Principles of the False Idea

Evil is not making mistakes, then asking for forgiveness and being obedient to good.

God punishes? No! What is punishment?

Isn't this concept totally different from what we have learned? Is punishment something that happens in the world? No, the punishment is the person's moral suffering and, if they do not change, they will not find happiness.

No selfish person is happy, because they know, intimately, that they are not doing good. But why would someone be selfish, knowing they are wrong, suffering because of it, and still continuing in the same selfish behavior?

Through Spiritism, we uncover the roots of selfishness and pride. Spiritism does not confront people or ideas; he confronts selfishness and pride as concepts that harm spiritual progress.

The guilty Spirit first suffers in spiritual life due to the degree of its imperfections, and is then granted bodily life as a means of reparation. That is why the Spirit finds in her, either the people she offended, or situations similar to those in which she committed evil, or even situations opposite to those she experienced, for example, facing misery if she was a bad rich person, or a humiliating condition if was proud. This is not a double punishment, but the same one that is continued on Earth, as a complement, with a view to facilitating your progress towards effective work. It depends on the Spirit himself to make it profitable. Isn't it better for him to return to Earth, with the possibility of gaining Heaven, than to be condemned without remission when he leaves it? This freedom that is granted to him is proof of the wisdom, goodness and justice of God, who wants man to owe everything to his own efforts, thus being the architect of his future. If you are unhappy, whether you are unhappy for a longer or shorter period of time, complain only to yourself – the path to progress is always open to you.

Allan Kardec. Heaven and Hell: Or divine justice according to Spiritism, publisher Feal (p. 78). Kindle Edition.

However, it is crucial to fully understand what selfishness entails in order to combat it effectively. Recognizing your mistakes and feeling guilty is the first step towards change. Otherwise, the individual will continue to suffer.

The false idea that God is the cause of our suffering is wrong. In fact, we are judges and prisoners of ourselves and our own thoughts. Spiritism teaches us this. Knowing this, will you choose to remain trapped or free yourself? To be a slave or free? It's your choice.

No one is obligated to act for the good. Freedom is fundamental to acting in good ways. God does not put anyone to watch anyone. When you do good, you will do it with all your effort. The moment you act with integrity, other spirits approach to do the same: the network of kindness is created.

If you are acting with ulterior motives, other spirits notice and you isolate yourself by choice. That's the mechanism!

Is someone really watching us in the spiritual world? No! Is there a specific place to be punished? No! This is false! Does Emmanuel mention the threshold? Yes, he mentions it, but they are deluded spirits that gather there. Good spirits see bad spirits as sick people to be cured and not as adversaries to be fought. The fight between good and evil is a false idea!

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Dominion by Lies and Violence

Passive Obedience and Blind Faith—The Two Principles of the False Idea

Continuation of the article The True Mindset and the False Idea.

Several times in his works, Kardec mentions Passive obedience and blind faith. Now let us reflect on why they are the principles of False Idea.

The false prophets, in order to conquer through passive obedience, needed to prevent the masses from learning through their own efforts without the experience of trial and error to learn. They, the false prophets, condemned error, as if error were the cause of evil in the world.

However, we all know that You can only learn when you try. From trying, errors and successes are produced. From there, we evaluate and understand the best way to act. And God does not condemn error, because error is part of learning. Think about it: it's very different to make mistakes unconsciously than to persist in making mistakes consciously.

“To rise, man must be tested. Preventing their action and putting an obstacle to their free will would be going against God and in this case the tests would become useless, because the Spirits would not commit faults.. The Spirit was created simple and ignorant. To reach happy spheres, it is necessary for him to progress and rise in knowledge and wisdom, and it is only in adversity that he acquires an elevated heart and better understands the greatness of God.”

Allan Kardec. Spiritist Magazine — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 – November

At the same time, when someone does something, whether at work or in everyday life, they have to know what they are doing and what the results of what they are doing are. So, this someone may be doing evil without knowing it or even participating in evil without being aware of the evil. Therefore, the ideal would be to never carry out an activity without understanding it.

The false idea, through the two principles of passive obedience and blind faith, leads us to believe that the error is evil. Consequently, error generates fear. Is it better to obey without understanding and have faith?

Since ancient times, priests have determined people's behavior, as they themselves claim that God chose them to determine His Law. Priests created the false teaching that the right thing is to obey God to receive divine rewards and be saved. They also propagate that error represents action inspired by the devil, who attacks man to take possession of him. Kardec shows this understanding in A Genesis:

Religion was, at that time, a powerful brake on governing. The people voluntarily bowed before the invisible powers, in the name of which they were subjugated and whose rulers claimed to possess their dominion, when they did not pretend to be equivalent to these powers. To give more strength to religion, it was necessary to present it as absolute, infallible and immutable, without which it would have lost its ascendancy over these almost primitive beings, just initiated towards rationality. It could not be discussed, just like the orders of a sovereign. This resulted in the principle of blind faith and passive obedience, which had, in origin, its reason for being and its usefulness. The veneration of sacred books, almost always considered to have come down from heaven, or inspired by divinity, prohibited any examination65.

Allan Kardec. GENESIS – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism (Portuguese Edition) . chapter IV, item 2. Kindle edition. ((Genesis – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism: ))

Whoever disobeys or does not repent will be handed over to the devil, suffering punishment, vicissitudes and pain. Through this false idea, the priests conditioned the masses to believe without reasoning — Blind Faith — claiming that reason does not understand the divine will. Obeying without understanding — Passive Obedience.

Blind faith and passive obedience occur in any area of activity: science, philosophy, religion, at work, at home, in relationships. In the Middle Ages, the religious dogma to guide actions. Today we use the materialistic dogma. In this way, it's like the middle ages of science!

If a person believes that their work is not and cannot be spiritualized, they are excluded from the environment. Exclusion is the same instrument that the church used, with condemnation, excommunication, persecution, etc. It is true that the church's condemnation led to death, but today exclusion by society is practically dying, becoming marginalized. There are graduates of higher education (or even technical education) who tend to believe in materialism; the others are the excluded. And the fight of the superior versus inferior. Spiritualism is the devil of science! And Materialism is the god of science!

Finally, currently, due to the false idea, those who think differently, whether from other countries or other religions, are enemies, they are controlled by the Devil, and must be fought and destroyed. Those who obey are protected by Good God. Thus, they create exclusivism and war. It is a MATERIALIST exclusivism!

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Truth about Evil and Punishment

The True Mindset and the False Idea

Continuation of the article Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus. Are we going to better understand the differences between the true mentality and the false idea?

Over time, the true mindset and false idea have taken root in the world's traditions in various ways. Religions have always embedded competition, dispute and the law of the strongest into their teachings.

Change your mindset
Pixabay Photo: Mohamed_hassan

The Christian tradition considers that Jesus was announced by John the Baptist and foreshadowed by repentance: “repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near”. With this thought, we had to repent of our sins, of our mistakes. This education leaves us full of guilt, because if I made a mistake, I need forgiveness to be saved.

Religions used this idea to say that only God's forgiveness saves those who make mistakes, and those who disobey are eternally punished and handed over to the devil. This thought was not only implemented by religions: at work, if you make a mistake you will be fired, in the family, if you make a mistake you will be ignored, and this happens in countless situations. In life, you can't go wrong! People use pretense, hide, camouflage mistakes, falsehood, because remember: making mistakes is a Sin. This triggers several consequences, including that people are not as they truly are, nor do they feel included, lost, aimless.

That's why we have to understand Spiritism's message of belonging, of being part, of collaboration. We have to seek this understanding. We have to put aside the idea that the strongest will save the simple, the ignorant, that the strong and outstanding are bigger and better.

To make the truth count, you have to do good! But it is necessary to reform the way these teachings are taught, changing how and what is taught to children, with structural changes in schools. Competition cannot be the stimulus for learning. False ideas are taught when children are told that fighting serves to stand out, to be superior, to be better than others, to be “among the superiors”, so as not to be rejected by society. This mentality is false!

However, the most recent translation work on the gospels makes it clear that the Greek verb methaneô, linked to the noun metanoia, has the meaning of “changing mentality”. Frederico Lourenço explains: “At the heart of the word is the word nous (“mind”): hence the fact that the essence of the idea is anchored in mental change (of which regret is a symptom)” (New Testament).

Verse 14 of chap. 1, by Mark, goes like this:

14 After John [the Baptist] was betrayed, Jesus went to Galilee to proclaim the good news of God, 15 saying: “The time has come and the kingdom of God has come near. Change your mentality and believe in the good news.”

Mark: 1:14-15

With this simple passage from the Bible, we completely transform the understanding of the meaning of Repentance: there is a need to change our mentality to overcome a false mentality! It is not regretting the mistake, but changing the way of understanding, Change your mindset.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on Passive Obedience and Blind Faith – The Two Principles of the False Idea

Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus

Continuation of the article Prophecy of the Spirit of Truth. Spiritism develops the Idea of Jesus.

Spiritism developed the teaching of Jesus
Ego Sum Via Veritas et Vita (I am the Way, the Truth and the Life) pixabay – didgeman

For a time, they despised Kardec's message, bringing false ideas into their doctrine. His concluding works had their best adulterated ideas. A persistent disclosure of false principles by refractors (( “22. Alongside the materialists strictly speaking, there is a third class of unbelievers who, although spiritualists, at least in name, are no less refractory to Spiritism: they are the unwilling unbelievers. These do not want to believe, because it gives them it would disturb the enjoyment of pleasures. They fear finding condemnation of their ambition, their selfishness and the human vanities in which they delight. They close their eyes so as not to see and cover their ears so as not to hear them. .” A. Kardec, The Books of Mediums, Preliminary Notions, chapter III Method)), implanted the lie among many spiritists, causing division.

However, in an increasing sequence, Allan Kardec's original documents, facts and ideas returned to light. His works were recovered, like the works Heaven and hell from 1865 and The Genesis of 1868 in their translations of their original versions. The contents presented are extremely important, as they are ideas that are much more in-depth by Kardec.

New times are already upon us, reforming ideas are spreading around the world. It is interesting to note how through study enlightened by sincere and disinterested dedication, the spiritist message, which is that of Jesus, will reach everyone. And the
Spiritism will be the lever of the moral revolution, which will regenerate humanity, paving the way for a happy world.

Evil in the world represents the false mentality, which divides the world in order to justify the pride and selfishness of those who consider themselves superior and privileged. In this way, they manage to dominate and, even worse, abuse the masses. They consider her inferior and impure.
The good, the good news or true mentality aims to awaken duty through reason and freedom, choosing solidarity through cooperation and mutual support, aiming for the happiness of all humanity, at all levels. By the guidance and direction of the good spirits, who are ministers of God. Everyone follows the path of good that leads to God.
Spiritism, finally, explains and develops the idea of Jesus, a true mentality or good news. Like all revelations, it faces opposition from the proud and selfish who defend the false mentality.

What is the idea of false mindset? Falsely spreading that we have 2 Gods in the world, God and the Devil; spread the idea that the spiritual world is divided into 2 parts, heaven and hell; that people are divided into pure and impure, superior and inferior, etc. This is the FALSE IDEA.

In order for us to overcome the false idea, we cannot use the “same weapons” as the false idea. It uses imposition, violence, division, lies, the chosen who understand the teachings as non-existent intellectual superiority: it says that if you don't understand you are inferior, only superiors understand

THE TRUE IDEA It depends on everyone's effort! Each of us needs to understand the true idea!!

You just have to be indifferent and you help maintain the False Idea!

There is a very interesting article from 1859 that we will highlight some points regarding this idea of Jesus also described by Spiritism:

“Thus, Spiritism is based on general principles independent of any dogmatic issue. It is true that it has moral consequences, like all philosophical sciences. These consequences are compatible with Christianity, because Christianity is, of all doctrines, the most enlightened, the purest, which is why, of all the religious sects in the world, the Christian ones are the most capable of understanding Spiritism in its true essence.

A. Kardec, Revista Espirita, 1859 – Refutation of an article by “L 'Univers” (( /4547/may/refutation-of-an-article-from-l-univers ))

Spiritism is not, therefore, a religion. (…) Spiritism is concerned with observing facts and not the particularities of this or that belief; researching the causes; of the explanation that facts can give of known phenomena, both in the moral and physical order, and does not impose any cult on its supporters, in the same way that Astronomy does not impose the cult of the stars, nor Pyrotechnics the cult of fire. (…)

Today, thanks to the lights of Christianity, we can judge it with more certainty. He puts us on our guard against wrong systems, the fruits of ignorance. And religion itself can draw from it tangible proof of many truths contested by certain opinions. This is why, contrary to most philosophical sciences, one of its effects is to return to religious ideas those who have strayed into exaggerated skepticism.


This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here for more details Continue on The True Mindset and the False Idea

Prophecy of the Spirit of Truth

The Prophecy of the Spirit of Truth has happened.

When the elaboration of the Spiritist Doctrine through dialogue with the spirits was yet to begin, Allan Kardec in 1856 talked to the Spirit of Truth, who presented him with the following Prophecy for Spiritism:

Do not suppose that it is enough for you to publish one book, two books, ten books, and then stay quietly at home.
You have to expose yourself. You will stir up terrible hatred against you; bitter enemies will be conjured for your loss; you will see yourself in arms with malevolence, with slander, with treachery even of those who seem to you the most dedicated; your best instructions will be despised and falsified; for more than once you will succumb under the weight of fatigue; in a word: you will have to sustain an almost continuous struggle, with the sacrifice of your rest, your tranquillity, your health and even your life, because without it, you would live much longer.
(Posthumous works, pag. 344)

From 1858 to 1869, when Kardec published his books and the Spiritist Magazine spreading Spiritism, there were offences, slanders and defamations. He defended his ideas and the Spirits tooth and nail. After his death in 1869, the series of adulterations in his works, . Furthermore, countless false ideas were spread about the doctrine. Read the article our position where we explain our conclusions.

Unfortunately, major revelations always face these characteristics as consequences: hatred, betrayal, contempt and false ideas. If Spiritism is of great importance, it is natural for it to happen.

The other revelations, such as that of Moses and Christ, had the same resistance that the Spirit of Truth mentioned.

Overcoming the false idea of the Egyptians, Moses led to the people who followed him the idea of the one God, and the solidary destiny of humanity. Moses did not speak only to the Hebrew people: he called people from all classes of Egypt. And that’s what made the Egyptian priests bother: it was the imminent danger of a social revolution. Hatred and betrayals began.

And the Jews, who were among those who adopted his thought, deviated from the proposal of universal harmony. They elaborated the exclusivist beliefs and practices, separating pure and impure, those who would be from God and those dominated by the devil. were the false ideas that were far from what Moses proposed. The idea of God, devil, heaven and hell, pure and impure, is not part of this revelation. And that’s what Jesus came to do by putting things in his way.

Jesus came among the Jews to bring the true mentality and denounce the false idea. His good news represented the arrival of the full divine law for mankind. Jesus predicted that his ideas would be distorted. If Jesus predicted this with his own teaching, why would it not occur with the Spiritist Revelation?

26. Meanwhile, Christ adds: "Many of the things I say to you cannot yet understand, and many more I would have to say, but you would not understand; therefore I speak to you in parables; but later I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit Truth who will restore all things and explain them all.

Allan Kardec. GENESIS – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism

If Jesus announced that it would be necessary to restore the lost teachings, we clearly deduced that something was abandoned, both in the teachings of Moses, in Jesus and in Spiritism.

And Kardec undertook a fight that actually ended up taking away his health, as was the prophecy of the Spirit of Truth. From studies we know that the best instructions of the Spiritist Doctrine were disregarded in many cases, and worse, falsified in others. We need to recover these lost teachings! ((text drawn from the lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, Click here for more details ))

Below is the complete communication of the Spirit of Truth of 1856:

June 12, 1856 (At Mr. C...; medium: Ms. Aline C...)
My mission

Question (to the Truth) - Good Spirit, I wanted to know what you think of the mission that some Spirits signed me.
Tell me, I beg you if it’s evidence of my self-love. I have, as you know, the greatest desire to contribute to the propagation of the truth, but from the role of the simple worker to that of missionary in chief, the distance is great and I do not understand what can justify in me such grace, preferably to so many others who have talent and qualities that I do not have.
Answer - I confirm what was said, but I recommend you a lot of discretion if you want to do well. You will later learn things that will explain what surprises you. Do not forget that you can triumph, how you can fail. In the latter case, another would replace you, for God’s designs do not rest on a man’s head. Never, therefore, speak of your mission; it would be the way to make it fail. It can only be justified by the work done and you have done nothing yet. If you fulfill it, men will know how to recognize it, sooner or later, since the quality of the tree is verified by the fruits.
P. - I certainly have no desire to boast of a mission I hardly believe in. If I am destined to serve as an instrument for Providence, may it dispose of me. In that case, I claim your assistance and that of the good spirits, in the send

A. - Our assistance will not be lacking, but it will be useless if you do not do what is necessary. You have your free will, which you can use as you see fit. No man is constrained to do anything.
Q. - What causes could determine my failure? Would it be the insufficiency of my abilities?
A. - No; but the mission of the reformers is pregnant with obstacles and dangers. I warn you that yours is rude because it is about shaking and transforming the whole world. Do not suppose that it is enough to publish a book, two books, ten books, and then be quietly at home. You have to expose yourself. You will stir up terrible hatred against you; bitter enemies will be conjured for your loss; you will see yourself in arms with malevolence, with slander, with treachery even of those who seem to you the most dedicated; your best instructions will be despised and falsified; for more than once you will succumb under the weight of fatigue; in a word: you will have to sustain an almost continuous struggle, with a sacrifice of your rest, your tranquillity, your health and even your life, because without it, you would live much longer. Well! not a few retreat when, instead of a flowery road, only see under the steps heathers, sharp stones and snakes. Intelligence is not enough for such missions. It is necessary, first, to please God, with humility, modesty and disinterest, since He slaughters the proud, the presumptuous and the ambitious. Courage, perseverance and unwavering firmness are indispensable to fight men. Prudence and tact are also necessary in order to conduct things properly and not to compromise their success with untimely words or measures. Finally, devotion, self-denial and willingness to all sacrifices are required. You see, thus, that your mission is subordinate to conditions that depend on you.
Spirit of Truth

I - Spirit of Truth, thank your wise counsel. I accept everything, without restriction and without preconceived ideas.

Posthumous Works, pg. 343-5

In Posthumous Works, follows an interesting note made by Allan Kardec more than 10 years later:

NOTE - I write this note on January 1, 1867, ten and a half years after I was given the above communication and I attest that it took place at all points, as I experienced all the vicissitudes that were predicted to me. I fought with hatred of hardened enemies, with slander, slander, envy and jealousy; infamous libels were published against me; my best instructions were falsified; those whom I trusted most betrayed me, I was paid with ingratitude by those to whom I served. The Paris Society was the focus of continuous intrigues against me by those who declared themselves in my favour and who, in good face in my presence, hit me in the back. They said that those who kept me faithful were my soldiers and that I paid them with the money I earned from Spiritism. I was never given to know what rest is; more than once I succumbed to overwork, had shaken health and compromised existence.
Thanks, however, to the protection and assistance of the good spirits who incessantly gave me manifest proofs of solicitude,
I have the fortune to recognize that I have never felt the slightest faintness or discouragement and that I have continued, always with the same ardour, in the performance of my task, without worrying about the wickedness of which I was the object. According to the communication of the Spirit of Truth, I had to rely on all this and everything was verified. But also, along with these vicissitudes, which I experienced of satisfaction, seeing the work grow so prodigiously!
I am fortunate to recognize that I never felt the slightest weakness or discouragement and that I continued, always with the same ardor, in the performance of my task, without worrying about the wickedness of which I was the object. According to the communication of the Spirit of Truth, I had to rely on all this and everything was checked. But also, along with these vicissitudes, which I experienced of satisfactions, seeing the work grow so prodigiously!

(Posthumous works, pag. 344)

Continued in article Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus