Spiritism without the Spirits
To remove the evocations from Spiritism is to remove its main characteristic: that of a science that, as Kardec has always demonstrated and defended, should go hand in hand with human science.
To remove the evocations from Spiritism is to remove its main characteristic: that of a science that, as Kardec has always demonstrated and defended, should go hand in hand with human science.
Visualizações: 1,100 Achamos importante destacar nossas próprias considerações a respeito dos fenômenos materiais, posto que ainda suscitam muitas dúvidas e descrédito, principalmente após o Espiritismo ter atravessado quase 150 anos de deturpações e falsos entendimentos. Os fenômenos materiais ainda existem, read more
Visualizações: 1,042 Aqui Kardec aborda um caso ocorrido no qual uma instituição determinou o pagamento de um prêmio àquele que pudesse comprovar alguns fenômenos espíritas, ao que nenhum dos inscritos conseguiu atender, embora, fora dali, muitos deles obtivessem tais fenômenos read more
Spirits communicate in many ways. The first of them took place through the phenomena of typtology and sematology, very time consuming and laborious. Later, they moved on to the phenomena of psychography and psychophony.
First Virtual Meeting of the Allan Kardec Legacy Study Group.