Have you ever thought about talking to the Spirits?

This is an honest and open reflection. It so happens that, today, one only thinks about indoctrinate. We forget, however, that Spirits have a lot to teach us – even the most unhappy ones, because we can analyze their current state, the reasons for the complications in their lives and, from that, obtain a lot of important knowledge. Studying Kardec, we see that not only he, but also many groups distributed across Europe and North America carried out serious research on the subject through mediumistic communications – not just waiting for “the phone to ring from there to here”, but carrying out evocations with serious and useful purposes.

Furthermore, at that time, it was customary to annotate everything, generating large volumes of documents regarding these communications, which could then be studied independently by external researchers, through rationality, seeking to find agreement between them. It is practically what Kardec did, and it is what allowed the structuring of Spiritism as a Scientific Doctrine. Today this is rarely done, except in the production of “letters” from disembodied relatives (whose communications could be much better used). My point is: we will need to resume this methodology, after all, human science has advanced a lot, but Spiritism has practically stopped in time, and many concepts that are accepted today did not go through this necessary methodology. If, today, the various groups of studies or mediumistic practices spread out there resumed this task, taking care not to contaminate each other from the sharing of ideas not sanctioned by this method, we could once again have a large volume of production. of contents that, little by little, could be analyzed. This, however, requires at least the basic study of The Spirits' Book and The Mediums' Book.

Imagine, por exemplo, as controvérsias e falta de informações a respeito das “cidades espirituais”: não podemos, claro, perguntar ao Espírito, na sessão mediúnica: “Ei, você vive numa cidade espiritual? Onde fica?”. Isso provocaria, quase sempre, uma ideia contaminada como resposta. Antes, perguntaríamos: “poderia nos dizer como foi a sua chegada no plano espiritual? O que encontrou aí? Qual é a sua ocupação, hoje? Você se cansa? [Se sim] O que você faz para descansar?”

He understands? There is another very positive point: in addition to learning from such reports, with effects on ourselves, our thoughts and our attitudes, these communications are also very useful to Spirits, especially those in a state of disturbance, who, when contracted to the mediumistic connection, he focuses a little more, again and can, at that moment, reflect a lot on his condition, changing his life.

Anyway, that's it. It has to start over, somehow. We just cannot forget to study Kardec for this, in order to avoid the difficulties already known and dealt with very clearly by him.

MEHMET – ALI, Ancient Pasha of Egypt (First Conversation)


Mehmet-Ali, or Mohammed Ali, 1769 to 1849, was Viceroy of Egypt from 1805 to 1848, as Governor of the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Sultan.

Considered as the founder of modern Egypt, he introduced major reforms in the country, among them: the construction of irrigation canals to better distribute the waters of the Nile River, construction of buildings, institution of new laws, taxes, modernization of the army, etc. It achieved considerable autonomy from the Ottoman Empire and also considerably extended its borders. More on Mehmet-Ali's life Click here.

Pasha Mehmet-Ali

Pasha Mehmet-Ali had died about 10 years before this evocation, at the request of Kardec and his colleagues. He said he had come to instruct them. They asked for proofs that he was really the disembodied Spirit of Pachá, in which he replied saying that the Spirit reveals itself by his words, always.

He said he was close to the medium Ermance Dufaux. Ele se “acomodou” em uma cadeira vazia. Ninguém o via.

The Pasha said that he was unhappy (he used the term that he was disgraced), that he was in the condition of a wanderer, that he did not clearly remember his former existence as Mehmet-Ali…

10. ─ Do you remember what you were in the existence before this one?

─ I was poor on Earth. I envied earthly grandeurs and went up to suffer.

11. ─ If you can be reborn on Earth, which condition will you prefer?

─ The obscure: the duties are smaller.

12. ─ What do you think now of the position you have occupied lately on Earth?

─ Pure vanity! I wanted to lead the men. Did I know how to lead myself?

14. Public opinion appreciates what you have done for the civilization of Egypt and that is why it places you among the great princes. Are you satisfied with that?

─ What do I care? The opinion of men is the desert wind that lifts the dust

15. ─ Do you see your descendants with pleasure following the same path? Do your efforts interest you?

─ Yes, because they aim at the common good.

16. – However, you are accused of acts of great cruelty. Do you regret them now?

─ I atone for them.

17. ─ Do you see those whom you ordered to be massacred?

─ Yes.

18. ─ How do they feel about you?

─ Hatred and pity.

Spiritist Magazine April/1858

The Spirit continues to give its opinions regarding the Muslim and Christian religions. In the view of this Spirit, the first was still very materialistic, while the second was higher. He even says that he considered that Mohammed distorted his mission, because he wanted to reign.

In Mehmet-ali's opinion, polygamy was one of the ties that still hold people back in barbarism; he also says that he understands that the slavery of women was not justifiable; he says that slavery only brutalizes man; 

He says that the Spiritist Doctrine was the Doctrine of the priests of ancient Egypt, that they received manifestations, had the same source as those received by Moses, as they were initiated by them. He went on to say that Moses wanted to reveal, while the Egyptian Priests only wanted to hide them. Still talking about religions, he added that all mother religions are linked together by almost invisible ties. They come from the same source, being sisters.

This Spirit had memories of other very distant existences, claiming to have lived in the time of the pharaohs three times: as a priest (at the time of Sesostris, according to his memory), as a beggar and as a prince, the first being approximately 1900 years before Christ. He had said he had progressed slowly.

48. Is it because you were a priest in those times that you were able to speak to us with knowledge of the ancient religion of the Egyptians?

─ Yes, but I'm not perfect enough to know everything. Others read the past like an open book.

Spiritist Magazine April/1858

And so, apparently, Pachá dodges Kardec's last questions, one about the reason for the construction of the pyramids and another that is not mentioned.

This evocation expresses a lot the sorrow of the Spirit who made an incarnation not very fruitful for his moral elevation.

Purpose of Certain Evocations

In this article, Kardec demonstrates the usefulness of evoking Spirits of all kinds, from Spirits with a serious and constructive intention to those who committed heinous crimes, because “to know the customs of a people, it is necessary to study it in all its forms”. scale degrees”.

Therefore, there is always an impasse, because superior spirits have a lot to teach, but our distance from them is quite large. The more “bourgeois” spirits, that is, spirits like us, more common, still stuck to everyday concerns, present many important teachings, for making us able to see ourselves in their own actions and their effects. All of them show us the practical application of the great and sublime truths, whose theory the superior spirits teach us.

Another advantage of some evocations is to verify the identity of the Spirits in a more precise way. When a Spirit presents itself under a great name from the past, it is only possible to believe in words and judge its content on what is known. If the content meets the necessary criteria, we judge it a superior spirit, and that's enough. The name doesn't really matter.

However, when a spirit of lesser evolution presents itself and gives details that prove its identity, we will have, there, great examples that are very “palatable”: “it is the romance of the customs of the spiritist life without fiction”.

We also discussed our personal experiences regarding evocations of family and friends.

Particularly, we always have to be very careful about the content of the communicating Spirit, because he may not be who he says who he is. Some communications bring some comfort to us.

Next, 3 evocations of 3 different Spirits: the first is the Lemaire assassin (about a month after dismeat); The Queen of Oude (about a month after dismeat) and Dr. Xavier (Evocation after many months after disincarnation).

Lectures from Beyond the Grave – Miss Clary D… – Evocation

Noteworthy, the article in question, which we decided to approach in an anachronistic way, that is, out of the original order, brings some interesting themes, in lecture with the Spirit of Miss Clary, who died at the age of 13 and who became the genius, that is, the protective Spirit of the family. Among them, there is his reincarnation, without a defined date, in another world, the sensation of the body, caused by the memory, the displacement of the Spirit through space, with the speed of thought, the intrinsic question of the perispirit in this displacement and, finally, , the outcome of the article, when, when asked if they could see, there, her “body” (perispirit) as it is currently, they are answered that, for that, it would not depend on her, but on them, under the following conditions: “you retire for a time, with faith and fervor; to be outnumbered; isolate themselves a little and get a medium like Home”.

Understanding now that Mr. Home was a powerful medium of physical effects, donor of the fluids necessary for such phenomena, we understand very well the reason for this need.