
The Double Concept of Good and Evil

The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity that we have not yet mastered in our lives; This is not evil, but simply a mistake.

The Truth that Sets You Free

Visualizações: 942 Continuação do artigo O Domínio pela Mentira e Violência Jesus veio nos trazer a verdade que nos liberta! Ele mencionou o diabo na Bíblia, mas será que ele acreditava na existência literal do diabo? A palavra “Diabo” está read more

Street signs pointing to Obey and Disobey

Passive Obedience and Blind Faith—The Two Principles of the False Idea

Views: 422 Continuation of the article The True Mentality and the False Idea. Several times in his works, Kardec mentions Passive obedience and blind faith. Now let us reflect on why they are the principles of the False Idea. The fake ones read more

Change your mindset

The True Mindset and the False Idea

Views: 689 Continuation of the article Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus. Are we going to better understand the differences between the true mentality and the false idea? Over time, the true mindset and false idea took root in the traditions of the world of read more

Careful analysis of mediumistic communications and psychographics

Visualizações: 1,642 Kardec, no artigo “Exames das comunicações mediúnicas que nos enviam”, da Revista Espírita de maio de 1863, demonstra o cuidado e a seriedade que a Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas tinha com as comunicações mediúnicas que a ela read more