What should be the History of Spiritism


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The 19th century was the Century of Reason! This means that there was no gap for mysticism, much less for dogmas. Dogma only disappears when we focus on dedicated and continuous study. This Article that we bring here is from the Revista Espírita, October 1862, “What should be the history of Spiritism“.

“With regard to this story, about which we have said a few words, several people have asked us what it would comprise, and for that purpose they have sent us various reports of demonstrations. To those who thought of bringing a stone to the building, we thank you for the intention, but we will say that it is something more serious than a catalog of spiritist phenomena found in many works. Since Spiritism has to be present in the face of Humanity, it will be interesting for future generations to know by what means it will have established itself. It will therefore be the story of the adventures that marked its first steps; the struggles you have faced; of the obstacles that will have opposed him; of its progressive march throughout the world.

True merit is modest and does not seek to impose itself. Humanity needs to know the names of the pioneers of the work, those whose abnegation and devotion will deserve to be inscribed in its annals; of the cities that marched in the forefront; those who suffered for the cause, that they might be blessed; of those who have caused suffering, that they may pray for them, that they may be forgiven. In a word, from his dedicated friends and his confessed or hidden enemies.

Intrigue and ambition must not usurp the place that does not belong to them., nor a recognition and an honor that are not due to them. If there are Judas, they must be unmasked.

One part, which will not be the least interesting, will be that of the revelations that successively announced all the phases of this new era and the events of all kinds that accompanied them.

To those who find the task presumptuous, we will say that we will have no other merit than that of having, due to our exceptional position, documents that are not in anyone's possession, and that are sheltered from any eventualities. Considering that Spiritism is incontestably being called to play a great role in History, it is important that this role is not denatured, and that let the authentic story be shown, as opposed to the apocryphal stories which self-interest might fabricate.

When will she appear? It won't be anytime soon, and perhaps not in our lifetime, as it's not meant to satisfy the curiosity of the moment. If we speak of it in advance, it is so that no one is mistaken about its purpose and our intention is noted. By the way, Spiritism is in its beginnings, and many other things will happen until then. So you have to hope that everyone has taken their place, right or wrong.” (our emphasis)

Note: It is interesting to note how it seems that Allan Kardec already knew what would happen in the future. So much opposition in the apocryphal stories and so much personal interest fabricated on the back of Spiritism... As a guarantee, he kept documents for these eventualities that every now and then are published! Let's focus on what matters most

Today we realize that this story is still in full development. We are still slowly learning the teachings that the Spirits brought during Kardec's time. May we all use Will and Imagination to achieve this understanding so supported by Reason!


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