Can we evoke evil spirits?

The subject is on the agenda, because many say they evoke spirits. Unfortunately, many also believe that simply because they are evoking bad Spirits, they would readily contract connections with Obsessing spirits. We will see, in the following text, that this is not the case and that, if there is seriousness and good intentions, in fact, good is produced and, often, the connection with a Spirit who will never forget your gesture.

An old carter – Revista Espírita of December 1859 (full content)

The excellent medium Mr. V… is a young man who generally stands out for the purity of his relationships with the spiritist world. However, after moving into the rooms he currently occupies, an inferior Spirit interferes in his communications, even interfering in his personal work.

Finding himself, on the night of September 6, 1859, at the house of Mr. Allan Kardec, with whom he was supposed to work, he was hindered by that Spirit, which made him draw incoherent things or prevented him from writing.

Then Mr. Allan Kardec, addressing the Spirit, had the following conversation with him:

1. ─ Why do you come here without being called?
─ I want to torment him.

2. ─ Who are you? Say your name.
─ I won't say that.

3. ─ What is your objective, meddling in what does not concern you? This does you no good.
─ No, but I prevent him from having good communications and I know that this hurts him a lot.

4. ─ You are an evil Spirit, because you take pleasure in doing evil. In the name of God I order you to leave and let us work in peace.
─ Do you think you scare me with that deep voice?

5. ─ If it is not me you are afraid of, you will undoubtedly be afraid of God, in whose name I speak to you and who can make you regret your wickedness.
─ Let’s not get angry, bourgeois.

6. ─ I repeat that you are a bad Spirit, and once again I ask you not to stop us from working.
─ I am what I am, it is my nature.
Having been called a superior Spirit, who was asked to remove the intruder, so as not to interrupt the work, the bad Spirit probably left, because during the rest of the night there was no further interruption.

When asked about the nature of this Spirit, the superior replied: This Spirit, who is of the lowest class, is a former carter, who died near the house where the medium lives. He chose his own room as his home, and for a long time now he has been obsessing over him and tormenting him incessantly. Now that he knows that the medium must, by order of superior Spirits, change residence, it torments him more than ever. It is also proof that the medium does not write his own thoughts. So you see that there are good things, even in the most unpleasant adventures in life. God reveals his power by every means possible.

─ What was the character of this man in life?

─ Everything that comes closest to the animal. I believe his horses had more intelligence and more feeling than he did.

─ How can Mr. V… get rid of him?

─ There are two: the spiritual means, asking God; the material environment, leaving the house where it is.

─ So there really are places haunted by certain Spirits?

─ Yes, Spirits that are still under the influence of matter attach themselves to certain locations.

─ Can the Spirits that haunt certain places make them fatally disastrous or favorable for the people who inhabit them?

─ Who could stop them? Dead, they exert influence as Spirits; alive, they exercise it like men.

─ Could someone who was not a medium, who had never heard of Spirits and who did not even believe in them, suffer such influence and be a victim of harassment from such Spirits?

─ Undoubtedly. This happens more often than you think, and explains many things.

─ Is there any basis in the belief that Spirits preferably frequent ruins and abandoned houses?

─ Superstition.

─ So the Spirits will haunt a new house on Rua de Rivoli, in the same way as an old slum?

─ Of course. They may be attracted to one place rather than another, by the mood of its residents.
Having evoked, in the Society, the Spirit of the aforementioned cartman, through the intermediary of Mr. R…, he manifested himself through signs of violence, breaking pencils, thrusting them forcefully into the paper, and by coarse, shaky writing , irregular and barely legible.

1. (Evocation).
─ Here I am.

2. ─ Do you recognize God’s power over you?
─ Yes; and?

3. ─ Why did you choose Mr. V…’s room, and not another one?
─ Because this pleases me.

4. ─ Will you stay there for a long time?
─ As far as feeling good.

5. ─ So you have no intention of improving?
─ We'll see. I have time.

6. ─ Are you upset because we called you?
─ Yes.

7. ─ What did you do when we called you?
─ I was in the tavern.

8. ─ So you drank?
─ How foolish! How can I drink?

9. ─ So what did you mean when you talked about the tavern?
─ I meant what I said.

10. ─ When I was alive, did you mistreat your horses?
─ Are you from the municipal police?

11. ─ Do you want us to pray for you?
─ And would you do this?

12. ─ Certainly. We pray for all those who suffer, because we have pity on the unfortunate and we know that God's mercy is great.
─ Oh! Well, you really are good people. I wish I could shake your hand. I will try to deserve it. Thanks.

OBSERVATION: This conversation confirms what experience has proven many times, regarding the influence that men can exert on Spirits, and through which they contribute to their improvement. Shows the influence of prayer.

Thus, this brute and almost untamed and wild nature finds itself as if subjugated by the idea of the advantages that can be offered to it. We have numerous examples of criminals who spontaneously came to communicate with mediums who had prayed for them, thus testifying to us their repentance.

To the above observations we will add the following considerations, relating to the evocation of inferior Spirits.

We have seen mediums, rightly anxious to maintain their good relationships beyond the grave, refuse to serve as interpreters of the inferior Spirits that can be called. It is on your part a misunderstood susceptibility. Because we evoke a vulgar Spirit, and even a bad one, we will not be dependent on him.

Far from it, and on the contrary, we will dominate it. It is not the one that comes to impose itself, against our will, as in obsessions. We are the ones who impose ourselves. He doesn't order, he obeys. We are your judge, not your prey. Furthermore, we can be useful to them through our advice and prayers and they are grateful to us for the interest we show in them. Extending your hand to help is doing a good deed. To refuse it is uncharitable; even more so, it is pride and selfishness. These inferior beings, in fact, are a great teaching for us. It was through him that we were able to get to know the lower layers of the spiritist world and the fate that awaits those who make a bad use of their lives here.

Let us note, furthermore, that it is almost always tremendous that they come to serious meetings, where the good Spirits dominate.

They are embarrassed and remain at a distance, listening in order to educate themselves. They often come with this objective, without being called.

Why, then, would we refuse to listen to them, when their repentance and suffering are often a reason for edification or, at least, for instruction?

There is nothing to fear from these communications, as long as they aim for the good. What would happen to the poor injured people if doctors refused to touch their wounds?