Curiosities: photography of thoughts and spirits


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The book Pensamento e Vontade, by Ernesto Bozzano, brings us a very timely complement on this subject:

“Using the term photography of thought in a generic sense at this moment, I will say that the first attempts of this kind date back to 1896, when Commander Darget and another friend of his, convinced that thought was an externalizable force, decided to concentrating one's thought on a particular image in order to project it onto a photographic plate.

On May 27, 1896, he, Darget, fixed a very clear image of a bottle on a sensitized plate, on which he had thought so intensely, that it gave him a severe headache.”

“This experiment was repeated on the 5th of June of the same year, with complete success […]

But the next day, when we made the revelation on paper, what impressed us the most was a female figure, with a characteristic haircut. It was indisputably a spirit who had intended to photograph himself.


Only a few days later, in the course of a session at the home of the well-known writer Mr. Leon Denis, is that they had the manifestation of a personality who called herself Sofia and declared that she was the one who, aided by other Spirits, had carried out the phenomenon.


Incidentally, her identity was established, as a vegetable merchant in Amiens, who died a short time before. The Revista Científica e Moral do Espiritismo reproduced this scotograph, in which the face of the manifested is clearly visible, above the bottle”

sir William Crookes was also a great scholar of spiritist phenomena, having managed to obtain photographs of spirits.

"Florence Cook, who at the time was only 15 years old, alone in the Crookes house and with his family and friends as witnesses, materialized the spirit of Katie King, who walked in the house, talked, allowed herself to be weighed and measured, and still held the baby of the family in her arms. The sessions were done in the dark, so that the materializations were better, although red light was occasionally used to obtain photographs.“.

Crookes' report, published in 1874, claimed that Florence Cook, as well as the mediums Kate Fox and Daniel Dunglas Home, produced genuine spiritual phenomena. The publication of this caused quite a stir, and her testimony about Katie King was considered the most controversial point in the report. Crookes almost lost his membership in the Royal Society, no longer engaging in spiritist investigations.

We had in Brazil one of the most spectacular mediums the world has known: Carmine Mirabelli, whose name was later changed to Carlos or Carlo Mirabelli. By him, some photos of materialization phenomena were also obtained.


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