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Spiritist magazine — Journal of psychological studies — 1858 > May > The heirs of spirits
One of our subscribers from The Hague, Holland, informs us of the following event, which occurred in a group of friends who were involved in spiritist manifestations. This proves, he says, once again, and beyond any possible dispute, the existence of an intelligent and invisible element, acting individually and directly on us.
The Spirits announce themselves by moving a heavy table and knocking. We ask for names: are they the late Mr. and Mrs. G…, very fortunate during existence. The husband, from whom the fortune came, had no children and disinherited his close relatives in favor of his wife's family, who died shortly before him. Among the nine people present at the session were two disinherited women, as well as the husband of one of them.
Mr. G… had always been a poor devil and a humble servant to his wife. After her death, his family moved into his home to take care of him. The will was made with a medical certificate, declaring that the dying person enjoyed the fullness of his faculties.
The husband of the disinherited lady, whom we will call R… took the floor in these terms: “How dare you present yourselves here, after the scandalous will you made?” Then, becoming more and more exalted, he ended up cursing him. Then the table jumped and threw the lamp hard at the speaker's head. He apologized to them for that first surge of anger and asked them what they were doing there.
─ We have come to give you an account of the reasons for our conduct.
(Answers were given by tapping indicating the letters of the alphabet).

Heirs and companions manifest themselves
Knowing her husband's ineptitude, Mr. R… told him brusquely that he should retire and that he would just listen to his wife.
Then the Spirit of Mrs. G… said that Ms. R… and his sister were quite wealthy and could deprive themselves of their share of the inheritance; that others were bad, and that others, in short, should undergo that test; that for such reasons that fortune suited his own family better. Mr. R… was not satisfied with the explanation and poured out his anger in insulting reproaches. Then the table shook violently, jumped, banged hard on the floor, and threw the lamp once more at Mr. A… After calming down, the Spirit tried to persuade that after his death he had been informed that the testament had been dictated by a superior Spirit. Mr. R… and the ladies, seeing the uselessness of an objection, sincerely forgave him. Soon the table rose beside Mr. R… and landed softly against his chest, as if to hug him. The two ladies received the same show of thanks. The table had a very pronounced vibration. Understanding restored, the Spirit lamented the current heiress, saying that she would end up mad.
Still Mr. R… reproached him, but affectionately, for not having done good in life, when he had so great a fortune, adding that it was not mourned by anyone. “Yes, answered the Spirit; there is a poor widow residing on the street… who sometimes thinks of me, because I have sometimes given her food, clothing and heat.”
As the Spirit had not given the poor woman's name, one of the assistants looked for her, finding her at the indicated address. And what is no less noteworthy is that after the death of Mrs. G…, she had changed domicile. The latter is what was indicated by the Spirit.
Read too: Family Lectures from Beyond the Grave: The Spirit of Mozart.
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