The envy


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Kardec starts the month with a moral dissertation, this time through “Mr. D.”¹, a medium that, to date, we have not been able to identify.

The observations that the professor makes about this medium are interesting, because, he emphasizes, he was just beginning the development of his mediumship and, therefore, doubted some of your capabilities.

Having Mr. D. expressed his willingness to mediate a communication from São Luis, he was promptly answered, not as a way of proving anything, but because the request was genuine and sincere, with no ulterior motives. He just doubted himself.

“Today, Mr. D… is one of the most complete mediums, not only because of his great ability to act, but also because of his ability to serve as an interpreter for all spirits, even those of the highest categories, who through him express themselves easily and willingly.”

“These are, above all, the qualities that we should look for in mediums and that can always be acquired with patience, will and exercise. Mr. D… didn't need much patience; had the will and the fervor, combined with natural aptitude. A few days were enough to take his college to the highest degree.”

And it follows with the presentation of the moral dissertation, from which we highlight the following excerpt:

“He struggles in his impotence, victim of the horrible torture of envy, happy even if these disastrous ideas do not lead him to the edge of an abyss. Entering this path, he asks himself whether he should not obtain by violence what he thinks is his due; otherwise he will expose to the eyes of all the terrible evil that devours him. If this wretch had only looked down from his position, he would have seen the number of those who suffer without a lament and still bless the Creator, because misfortune is a benefit that God uses to make the poor creature advance to his eternal throne. .”


Let's see the space that Kardec gave to the contents of moral background, without taking space from the main aspect of Spiritism, which was scientific research for the uninterrupted formation of an entire Doctrine.

Today, unfortunately, the opposite is done. Spiritism has become just moral, spiritist centers are limited to lectures and passes and we have reached the height of hearing opinions such as “at this moment, we need to put aside even the assistance meetings for the Spirits, because what matters most is our change urgent in order not to lose the right to continue reincarnating on Earth, which is entering a new era”.

1. Alfred Jean Baptiste Didier?

This medium was very active in the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies - SPEE, being widely used by Lamennais. After leaving the Society in 1865, he devoted himself to painting


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