Story of Joan of Arc dictated by herself to Miss Ermance Dufaux


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Here Kardec cites the case of Joana D'Arc, without delving into it. She would have herself conveyed a message to Miss Dufaux, telling the heroine's story in more depth, highlighting having been a medium and explaining her journey. Kardec says he will return to this case on another occasion, but it is interesting to mention that he accepted such content, verifying that the medium in question was only 14 years old when he received it and that, even though he came from an educated family, he would hardly have found it in libraries. such little-known details about the character in question.

It is interesting to point out that Miss Dufaux had an important participation in the Spiritist Magazine itself, where, according to Canuto de Abreu, she cooperated in transmitting valuable guidelines for this journal:

At the end of 1857, Kardec had the idea of publishing a spiritist journal and wanted to hear the opinion of the spiritual guides. Ermance was the chosen medium and, through her, a Spirit gave the Master of Lion many excellent directions. The organ was named “Revista Espírita” and was launched in January of the following year.

It was also Mr. Dufaux, Ermance's father, who cooperated a lot in the foundation of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, when he managed to obtain authorization for the Society's meetings in just 15 days (the laws in force did not allow the free meeting in closed places, being Kardec himself many sometimes followed by “police officers” in order to verify and report their encounters and meetings).

She was also a great cooperator in the revision of The Spirits' Book, in the 2nd edition of the work.


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