Our considerations on material phenomena


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We think it is important to highlight our own considerations about material phenomena, since they still raise many doubts and discredit, especially after Spiritism has gone through almost 150 years of misrepresentations and false understandings.

Material phenomena still exist, just as the mediums who produce them still exist, this is logical. However, we believe that such phenomena, today, may not have so much expression because, when they occurred, they were motivated to draw attention to spiritist phenomena, which, some claim, is no longer needed today.

This is one way of seeing. The other would be that these phenomena only diminished after the development of Kardec's studies because, then, they were no longer necessary, since it was much easier to communicate through psychography, mainly, than through blows. But even then, these phenomena did not stop completely, as we can see with the example of Mr Home and, later, with the example of the well-known medium Eusápia Palladino, studied by Cesare Lombroso with great seriousness and dedication.

Now, as Spiritism has been so misunderstood over time and methodological studies have been forgotten in the past, leaving room for mystifications and the unbridled growth of materialism, even among spiritualists, we ask: would such phenomena not come today? bring attention again to the spiritist facts? We dare not answer categorically, but only recall the several reports that are put to our eyes every day, in the various groups on the subject, on social networks, and about which, for the moment, we only highlight: “what if?”


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