Mr. home


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Mr. Home was a well-known personality at the time of Kardec. A powerful physical medium, Kardec attests to his moral integrity, his seriousness and his introspection in dealing with the subject. As for his fortune, there is no criticism, as it is something that only concerns him.

It is easy to see, by reading the article, that the departure of Mr. Home did not happen by chance, but by superior planning. Having ended up there for health reasons, he presented the "fatal blow" against the doubt that existed regarding spiritist manifestations - something very similar to what, years before, took place in the United States, as Ernesto Bozzano reports in " Spiritism and the Supernormal Manifestations”. Quoting Kardec,

France, still in doubt about the spiritist manifestations, needed a great blow to be dealt; it was Mr. Home who had this mission and the louder the blow, the greater its repercussion. The position, the credit, the enlightenment of those who welcomed him and who were convinced by the evidence of the facts, shook the convictions of many people, even among those who were eyewitnesses.

After commenting on some facts in the life of Mr. Home, evidencing the various indications that denote his seriousness and honesty, Kardec talks about the mediumship genre of this gentleman, very similar to those obtained by Jonathan Koons, as reported by Bozzano in the aforementioned work:

Mr. Home is a medium of the kind that produces ostensible manifestations, without excluding intelligent communications, but his natural predispositions give him a very special aptitude for the former. Under its influence the strangest noises are heard; the air stirs; solid bodies move, rise, transport themselves from one side to the other, through space; musical instruments produce melodious sounds; beings from the extracorporeal world appear who speak, write and sometimes hug us until they produce pain. He himself often found himself, in the presence of eyewitnesses, elevated, without support, several meters high.

Home's faculty does not exclude contact with Good Spirits. However, through the action of inferior spirits, he becomes a tool for the dissemination of Spiritism, a very valuable task, but not without dangers and tribulations, which he carried out with great resignation and perseverance.

The faculty of Mr. Home is innate and has manifested itself since his first months of life, when his crib rocked on its own and changed places. “In his early years he was so weak that he could barely sustain himself; sitting on the rug, when he couldn't reach the toys, they came within reach”. Kardec reiterates Home's nature:

If Mr. Home were, as those who judge without seeing claim, only a skillful juggler, he would, without the slightest doubt, always have magic ready in his bag. However, he is not the master of producing them at will. It would be impossible for him to give regular sessions, for often, at the exact moment when he needed his faculty, it might fail. Sometimes, phenomena manifest spontaneously, at the moment when least expected, while at other times it is not possible to provoke them, which is an unfavorable circumstance for those who want to make exhibitions by appointment.

Finally, Allan Kardec ends by mentioning an event that took place behind closed doors, spontaneously and without the various possible witnesses, other than his servant and a friend, a fact that demonstrates, in Kardec's eyes, that Mr. Home was not looking for a fuss and had no reason to deceive just two people.


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