Lectures from Beyond the Grave – Miss Clary D… – Evocation


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Noteworthy, the article in question, which we decided to approach in an anachronistic way, that is, out of the original order, brings some interesting themes, in lecture with the Spirit of Miss Clary, who died at the age of 13 and who became the genius, that is, the protective Spirit of the family. Among them, there is his reincarnation, without a defined date, in another world, the sensation of the body, caused by the memory, the displacement of the Spirit through space, with the speed of thought, the intrinsic question of the perispirit in this displacement and, finally, , the outcome of the article, when, when asked if they could see, there, her “body” (perispirit) as it is currently, they are answered that, for that, it would not depend on her, but on them, under the following conditions: “you retire for a time, with faith and fervor; to be outnumbered; isolate themselves a little and get a medium like Home”.

Understanding now that Mr. Home was a powerful medium of physical effects, donor of the fluids necessary for such phenomena, we understand very well the reason for this need.


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