the avarice

Moral dissertation dictated by Saint Louis to Madame Ermance Dufaux, on January 6, 1858

The dissertation in question has a moral nature and, therefore, requires the analysis and reflection of each one, individually.

However, we note the reflection made by Kardec at the end, because the Spirit of Saint Louis speaks of eternity of suffering, “when all the superior spirits are in agreement in combating such a belief”. It turns out that he ends up saying: “to punish you, God wants you to BELIEVE him”, which is the same thought presented in the general characteristics of Third Order Spirits, in The Spirits' Book.

“[…] the more imperfect the spirits, the more restricted and circumscribed their ideas. For them the future is vague, and they do not understand it. They suffer; his sufferings are long, and for one who has suffered for a long time, that is to suffer forever. This thought alone is a punishment.”