Different Forms of Manifestation


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Kardec always addressed the Natures of Manifestations in The Spirits' Book. They can be:

Frivolous Manifestations – emanating from lighthearted, mocking, mischievous, malicious spirits. They are thoughts that add nothing;

Gross Manifestations – that emanate from inferior spirits to shock people. They're pretty complicated. This is precisely why the meetings are not held open to the public;

Serious Manifestations – they are not necessarily wise, for not being a spirit of greater evolution, but they are serious for the important matter to the relative, a relative, a friend. Triviality, sometimes;

Wise Manifestations, which emanate from superior spirits. They are communications that add some kind of teaching.

Kardec said that it is up to each of us, with study, to be able to identify, analyze and judge the manifestation. It is important to remember that, in our understanding, we should not repress any type of manifestation of any nature, as there is always a purpose.

We emphasize that Kardec said: “if experience is needed to judge men, even more so to judge Spirits”.

We see that the rude communications are common, especially for those who are starting the mediumistic study. In meetings, it is common for the manifesting Spirit to use curses, say complicated things, low thoughts, malicious, sexual thoughts, etc. There must be a certain maturity in the group, as it can have very “heavy” content, both psychophonic and written. Often the medium is confused when he thinks that the problem is with him, because he brought that gross manifestation. He is in mediumistic training so "his house" is still open for all kinds of manifestations. It is common for coarse spirits to appear. He is there, but an educated medium can tell the difference. What changes theoretically is the intention. This all requires a lot of discipline and training.

The greatest fear of the mediumistic group is mystification. Many of the spirits present themselves disguised, with beautiful words, evangelized language, etc. for attract the trust of the medium, but in reality they are Spirits presenting illogical theories, without foundations, harmful to people. The content is impressive Apparently high and beautiful. the medium stays fascinated in this false manifestation and many times, for vanity and pride, is blind to the signs. It's what takes the medium out of the good harvest the most. You have to be discerning to realize that it is not a serious message, much less wise - and one of the biggest indications of this is when the Spirit presents itself in a pompous way or with great historical names. The medium or the evoker who has been engaged in the study mainly of the Spirits' Book and the Mediums' Book, however, is more easily able to make this distinction..

When the mediumistic group detects this type of gross manifestation, they must have very skillful in conversing with the fascinated medium, as there is a danger of the medium leaving the group. Many mediums “hurt” for believing in messages of this type, letting yourself go. The medium has to understand that he is only intermediary, and accept the understanding of the other members of that group. Everything is a learning experience.

Normally, in the conversation after the mediumistic meeting, the mediumhumbly  should ask how was your communication, how he can improve to serve spirituality, be better understood, etc. It is very important that the house or the spiritist group, since it was interested in forming with that group, constantly seeks to cultivate the EVANGELIZATION of each of its members, since the medium, the more he seeks his intimate reform, the less he will be left open by his imperfections.


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