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We started the studies of the Spiritist Magazine of January 1858 at the beginning, approaching what we highlighted and understood from the Introduction of the publication.

Purpose of Spiritism

Spiritism has, as its supreme purpose, the enlightenment of the human being, bringing influence on the moral state of society. He does so, however, through the study of spirit science, which inevitably proliferates and infects the whole world. We see, today, in the different religions, their traces of influence. In the Catholic Churches, for the most part, there is no longer talk of a devil or hell, because there is already a tacit understanding, if not formalized by theology, that such concepts were born only from an inability to understand in the past. Thus, many dogmas are undone, while, with the advancement of human intelligence and its search for answers, others [dogmas] are created and remain unclear, due to the interruption of methodological studies of Spiritism.


Kardec cites magnetism, whose understanding, together with other sciences of its time, allows us to verify that Spiritism was born at the right time, neither earlier nor later than it should and that, contrary to what many think, it found fertile ground for its rapid dissemination. On this, I recommend reading the work Spiritualism and Magnetism, by Carlos Alberto Loureiro. Spiritism and magnetism are both natural phenomena, and understanding the second, as a scientific fact, makes the understanding of the first even easier..

At the time of Allan Kardec, the study of magnetic phenomena was quite vast and common. That's why Kardec, when he was called to know the phenomenon of dancing tables, did not doubt it, but initially assumed that it was a phenomenon of this order. When investigating it later, as we already know, he found there an intelligent phenomenon, which aroused his deep interest.

Magnetism was widely used for the production of somnambulistic hypnotic phenomena, from which a wide field of study was obtained. In fact, the Spirits themselves recommend, in The Spirits' Book, that the study of these phenomena would give man a great source of knowledge:

445. What deductions can be drawn from the phenomena of somnambulism and ecstasy? Will they not constitute a kind of initiation into the future life?

“Actually, through these phenomena, man glimpses the past life and the future life. Study them and you will find the clarification of more than one mystery, which your reason vainly seeks to penetrate.”

With the passage of time, however, such phenomena began to be placed at the expense of superstition or superstition, and were relegated to oblivion. However, we have daily before our eyes, in the different groups of social networks, personal reports that seem to lead to such somnambulistic abilities that, if studied and well applied, perhaps they could very well bring.

The fact is that this topic, so forgotten and so little understood, can provide us with a great field of study. I highlight, for example, the content produced in abundance by the group called “Hospitais Espirituais do Nordeste”, abundantly found on its Youtube channel, but which, on some points, still produce strangeness, as it is not yet possible for us to study them. about other sources.

spiritism is science

It is only worth mentioning, for general understanding, this great truth: Spiritism is a science with a philosophical aspect. We remind you that science it's not just what you do in the laboratory.

Further on, Kardec states that “the history of the Spiritist Doctrine is, in a way, the history of the human spirit”. I totally agree. Kardec sought, for the understanding of this science, to study it everywhere, in all sources, never giving the final word on something that he had not sought to study in depth.

The purposes of the Spiritist Magazine

Kardec makes very clear the purpose of welcoming, in the Magazine, all the directed observations, trying to clarify the obscure points, according to the knowledge already acquired. This gives great direction to our own studies, I believe, seeking to do as the coder proposed: “discuss but not dispute”, that is, to seek study and clarification among all those who willingly seek to understand the nature of Spiritism and take advantage of it in their own lives.

Kardec cites the purpose of reporting the patent phenomena that he witnessed or that were reported to them. The greater purpose of all this will become clearer in our next study meeting, when we will start with the theme “Physical Manifestations”.

Following these steps, we also decided to open a form, on our website, where whoever wishes can submit personal reports, which, if selected, can be addressed in our own studies. 

Next, Kardec affirms the much-needed effort not to give statements of his own ideas, but rather to seek to interpret everything in the light of the Doctrine of Spirits. With this, by the way, we will seek to resolve any difficulties within our own group.

Regarding the space, in the Magazine, for the publication of written or verbal communications from the Spirits, we will refrain, for the time being, from such a purpose on our part, that is, we will not seek such communications by our own means, due to the difficulties already mentioned. We will be open, however, if we are led to do so, as it is the greater purpose of our initiative.


Reading Recommendations (Books)

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