Answers of the Spirits to some questions


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Here Kardec makes an approach on some answers of the Spirits regarding some basic questions, pertinent at that moment. The purpose was to demonstrate to the public the clarity, depth, and accuracy of these answers, I believe. I take a few points from this chapter:

  • the spirit is something, which we still cannot fully understand. We still lack the ability to infer that a being can manifest itself without a visual appearance or without the effects that affect our material senses. However, we already understand that the Spirit is the essence, the real being that, in order to interact with matter, needs an intermediary, called perispirit.
  • Spirit freed from matter does not find in it none obstacle nor influence, that is, it can pass through objects and even fire, without suffering anything.
  • Only inferior spirits deal with noises, movements of objects, etc. However, superior spirits sometimes use these spirits to achieve a useful purpose, such as attracting attention. This is a point that will be established and clearly defined in The Mediums' Book, later on.
  • The proof that a content comes from the Spirits, and not only from the mind of the medium or the others present, is that, in most cases, the transmitted content goes against the thought of the incarnate gathered.
  • All Spirits are capable of giving intelligent manifestations.
  • not all Spirits are able to understand the questions that are asked, which, however, does not prevent them from answering them. From this comes the need to always try to judge spiritual contents in the light of reason and agreement.

Furthermore, the big question arose: could God himself contact us directly? Well, based on the way Kardec himself expressed himself, which we consider quite fair and thoughtful, we do not have the consideration to say whether God, or even Jesus, who is a Spirit of the highest hierarchy, can or cannot perform miracles or take actions directly. . What Spiritism does is to show that there are rational and even quite natural explanations for the said facts. miraculous, not taking care of them further.

My consideration: God is God, and he could do anything; however, he leaves to his work and to his creatures the tasks necessary for their own evolution, just as a good father allows his son to take charge of exploring a toy himself or developing a task together with other little children. In fact, Jesus is precisely the greatest example of this, not as a little child, but as the eldest son, who has already learned a lot, and who comes, in the name of the Father, teach the other brothers.


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