Private evocations


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In this item, Kardec addresses some particular evocations in order to promote an analysis with general gain.

About this, in fact, I am wondering to what extent we should really advise against people seeking such evocations to obtain some consolation regarding their deceased relatives or even to seek some personal advice, given that in my own family this has so often happened in form spontaneous. Wouldn't I be contradicting myself? Does a medium that lends itself to such an end, in a serious and disinterested way, not also fulfill an important role?

We understand, however, that here, as in everything else, the big question is: what is the utility and purpose? After more than 160 years of the “beginning” of Spiritism, we already understand very well what life after death is like, the continuity of our imperfections and virtues, the need for the incarnate to move on with his life, without complaining about loved ones. disincarnate and, thus, we do not see the need to go to a medium to seek psychography of each disincarnate being. We really need to move forward on this point, seeking to cultivate communications with Spirits with deeper purposes, which, in my view, does not exclude the possibility of seeking support and, who knows, advice on serious and important matters, such as Kardec himself did.

In the first case discussed, it is clear a very consoling communication, by the deceased daughter, but also the verification of three facts:

  • The Spirits are happy to be able to help us in what is allowed;
  • Spirits cannot inform us about everything. We need to make an effort to get on with our legs and, in this way, have our own merit, which structures us;
  • Enduring trials with resignation and trust in God, but in an active way, allows us to make great use of it and, thus, great happiness in the future (and even during the trial);

In the second case, “a conversion”, we see a notorious case of a father and a son who shared a materialistic or, so to speak, denialist thinking about spirituality and God. It so happens that, after the father's death, the son had contact with The Spirits' Book and, having read it, sought a medium, with intense curiosity. He wanted to get a communication from his father, 4 months after his death, in order to put an end to his doubts (note that the Spirits' Book had a great impact on him).

The father brings him personal information, which confirms his legitimacy. In the conversation that takes place, he shows his son that life really continues after the grave. However, I would like to highlight a passage that caught our attention:

15. — Will we be punished or rewarded according to our actions?

“If you do wrong, you will suffer.

16. — Will I be rewarded if I do good?

— It will advance on your path.

It is important to remember that Kardec sought universal agreement and that he always made notes and considerations regarding opinions contrary to what was already established by the teaching of the Spirits. 

The passage in question denotes that it is part of Kardec's ideas, since it is expressed by the thinking of the communicating Spirit, the understanding that no one is punished or rewarded externally. “If you do evil, you will suffer”, denotes this deep understanding of the Spiritist Doctrine: suffering is born as a direct consequence of our actions, while the reward for good behavior is the advancement in our paths. There is no payment of debts, there are no judgments, punishments or even external rewards. 

This is another point that corroborates the (factual) statement that the item “Criminal Code of Future Life”, present in chapter VII from the 4th edition of the Heaven and hell, known to have been tampered with, is in total disagreement with the coder's thinking, especially with regard to what is presented in item 9:

Every fault committed, every wrong done, is a debt that must be paid; if it is not so in one existence, it will be so in the next one or the following ones, because all existences are solidary with each other. He who discharges it in the present existence will not have to pay a second time.


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