Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies

Spiritist Journal — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 > May > Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies founded in Paris on April 1, 1858

The extension, so to speak universal, taken daily by spiritist beliefs made the creation of a regular center of observations was strongly desired. This gap has just been filled. The Society whose formation we are pleased to announce, composed exclusively of serious people, free from prejudice and animated by a sincere desire for enlightenment, counted, from the beginning, among its associates, with men eminent for their knowledge and for their social position.

Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies
Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies was the first entity of its kind and was founded by Allan Kardec

The Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies and Truth

We are convinced that she is called to render undeniable services to the verification of the truth. Its organic law assures it of a homogeneity without which there will be no possible vitality. It is based on the experience of men and things and on the knowledge of the conditions necessary for the observations that are the object of their research. Coming to Paris, strangers who are interested in the Spiritist Doctrine will thus find a center to which they can go for information and where they can also report their own observations [1].


[1] For information regarding the Company, contact Mr. ALLAN KARDEC, rue Sainte-Anne, n. 59, from 3 am to 5 am; or to Mr. LEDOYEN, bookseller, Galleries d'Orléans, n. 31, at the Palais-Royal.

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