Mr. Home II

spiritist magazine March 1858

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spiritist magazine March 1858

Mr Home had already been mentioned by Allan Kardec in the February edition of the Spiritist Magazine. Kardec seems to have a great affection for the mediumship and personal characteristics of Mr. man. In it, we see a man gifted with an amazing faculty. He is a young man of 24 years, of medium height, blond and whose melancholy face is anything but eccentric; he is of a very delicate complexion, of simple and gentle habits, of an affable and benevolent character, on which the contact of grandeur has neither cast arrogance nor ostentation. Endowed with excessive modesty, he never flaunts his wonderful faculty.

Read the Spiritist Magazine that addresses the first article about Mr. home clicking ON HERE!

Mr. Home is a medium with several faculties, with emphasis on physical phenomena and intelligent manifestations that, as he is not a scribe, the Spirits' answers are given by vibrating beats.

What catches the attention of Mr. Home, in spite of his mediumship, is that his faculty is exceptionally developed. Under the influence of Mr. At home the loudest noises can be heard and all the furniture in a room can be turned over and the furniture piled on top of each other. In addition, he himself gravitates without being aware of the fact.

Another notable gift of all his manifestations is that of the apparitions, which is why Kardec insisted on commenting on them, in view of the serious consequences arising therefrom and the light they shed on a number of other facts. The same is true of the sounds produced in the air; music instruments that play by themselves, etc.

Kardec ends the article saying that religion teaches us the existence of the soul and its immortality; Spiritism gives us its living and palpable proof, no longer through reasoning, but through facts and that the Spiritist Doctrine shows us happiness in the practice of evangelical virtues; it reminds man of his duties to God, to Society and to himself. 

In a new onslaught, Kardec concludes that:

“Helping in its propagation (of Spiritism) is to deal a mortal blow to the wound of skepticism that invades us like a contagious disease. Honor, therefore, those who employ in this work the goods with which God has favored them on earth!”


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Written by 

Joel Moura is a student of Spiritism who defends the firm belief in the influence and intermediation of the spiritual plane in our lives.

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