Correspondence – Marius M


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In this letter, a subscriber to Revista Espírita says that about 18 months ago they evoked in their small inner circle an ancient ancestor, who died in 1756, virtuous and superior.  

This Spirit told them that he was incarnated in Jupiter and reproduced the same details that Mozart (and others) also described to Kardec, both physically and morally, and even about the condition of the animals.  

As there were things that we had difficulty understanding, our kinsman added these remarkable words: “No wonder you do not understand things for which your senses were not made, but as you advance in Science, you will understand them better. by thought and they will no longer seem extraordinary to you. The time is not far off when you will receive more complete clarifications on this point.. The Spirits are in charge of instructing you in this regard, in order to give you an objective and to motivate you for good.” Reading your description and the announcement of the drawings you speak of, we naturally thought that the time had come.

Mr. Marius continues to make observations about the moral conclusions they drew from these communications, and for them the need to elevate themselves by self-improvement has become very important so that they can deserve to live, one day, in such a place. It also talks about skeptics, who would never believe such reports.  

We get an idea of countries that we have never seen, from the description of travelers, when there is a coincidence between them. Why shouldn't the same be true of spirits?  

Why should we not or should we not, therefore, believe the various more current accounts that exist regarding “spiritual cities”? Let's talk about that now.

 In response, Kardec says:

We are happy for the communication it promises us about Jupiter. The coincidence that he points out is not the only one, as we can see in the article on the subject. However, whatever opinion one may have about it, it is still a matter of observation. The spirit world is full of mysteries that must be studied very carefully.. The moral consequences that our correspondent draws from this are characterized by a logic that no one will go unnoticed.    

About the drawings, of which Mr. Marius requested a print, Kardec says it would be too complicated and expensive to reproduce them. He says, however, that the matter was in solution, because the drawing medium, Mr. Sardou, had become an engraving medium, starting to make drawings directly on copper!


If Kardec and his correspondent, among many others, presented reports of diaphanous cities in Jupiter, why, then, we could not accept the reports about the most diverse types of places on the spiritual plane, as other more current accounts attest?    

Well, here we have some issues to consider. The first is that, at the time of Kardec, due to the enormous difficulty of communication between distances, the reports that were obtained in different parts of Europe and the Americas could be more easily accepted without the shadow of preconceived or "contaminated" ideas. .    

Furthermore, we need to consider what is very evident in all of Kardec's work: the importance of Universal Concordance in the Teaching of Spirits.

Another problem to be highlighted is that the reports of Jupiter speak of a planet, where there is a civilization of Spirits incarnate, although in matters much more subtle than ours, and the molecular structures general respects the same characteristics of subtlety.    

On the other hand, reports such as those of André Luiz, among many others, make us understand that such cities would be located in the wandering space, that is, the Spirits between the incarnations would create and use these cities. This is not at all impossible, although some details of these accounts do not seem to make much sense. However…    

is something from which never before no Spirit had spoken. In fact, the reports of wandering spirits point to the opposite: that only very materialistic spirits would cling to such concepts and “places”.

The big issue here, therefore, is just to highlight the care that we must have. We must not discard or accept an idea or concept that has not passed through CUEE. And here, there is a lesson in general, because, along with such ideas, controversial, complicated and, sometimes, even contrary to the Doctrine are often transmitted.

We remember that Ramatis (supposedly) also ventured to give such types of descriptions, in the case of Mars. However, it was an isolated communication, with strange and superfluous details, besides many of them having already been denied by human Science.

Today, the easy dissemination of certain ideas makes the “contamination” of communications very easy, not least because mechanical psychographers seem to be in short supply and, as such mediums were commonly placed in a state of “hypnotic trance”, magnetism also needs to be re-established. studied, understood and practiced.  

Therefore, to investigate these important issues, it will be necessary to take a different path, with even more scientific rigor than that already used by Kardec.    

The way is still long.


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