

Translations, from Portuguese, are automatic. If you notice any errors in the text, help us identify them, clicking here.

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Here Kardec addresses two cases of visions spiritual. Although we are aware of visual spiritual manifestations, none of them here seem to be about that, but rather of double-sight phenomena, somnambulism or ecstasy, as in the last case, where the spirit of the incarnate is transported to another place, living other experiences. which later come to be confirmed. 

“As dreams are nothing more than a state of incomplete natural somnambulism, we will designate the visions that occur in this state under the name of somnambulistic visions, to distinguish them from those that occur in the waking state, which we will call double-sight visions. ”

Below, we separate an excerpt that aims to provoke a certain provocation and that opens the field for a necessary reflection:

“When the visions have as their object the beings of the incorporeal world, one could, apparently with some reason, call them hallucinations, because nothing can demonstrate their accuracy.”

In other words: can we really trust mediumistic “visions” from other planes and worlds? It is necessary, as Kardec reminds us, to always be very careful, not believing for the sake of believing in what anyone says.

A brief overview of the ecstatic, remembering that such somnambulistic mediumship, which today is confused with the so-called “astral journeys”, lacks knowledge and vigilance on the part of the medium himself. Faced with the wonders of visions, in this specific case, being able to move away from your carnal body in such a way, making your connection with it so tenuous that it even breaks, under your desire to abandon it. Always remembering that “It is not the departure of the Spirit that causes the death of the body, but it is the death of this that causes the departure of the Spirit.”


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