Recognition of the existence of spirits and their manifestations

In this somewhat more extensive approach, Kardec draws attention to the fact that spiritual manifestations are evidently recognized even within the Roman Catholic Church, from which he cites a great article, published at the time, in Civiltà Cattolica, from Rome. Very interesting to note the tone of the article, where, at times, it seems that we are reading a text by Kardec himself, given the lucidity and honesty of the analysis of the facts in question.

It is worth remembering the case of the work “Purgatory Manuscript”, where a Sister, within the context of the Catholic Church, received and published several psychographs of other brothers, from within the same context, already deceased. The work begins with a long introduction, full of however and meanwhile, aiming to explain what happened as something allowed by God only in that very strict situation, but which is worth at least a superficial analysis.