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Here Kardec only addresses the question that the intervention of incorporeal beings, seen as leprechauns, imps and others, has always permeated humanity and, in itself, does not cease to be a truth. It so happens that, before Spiritism, which explained it, it was taken as superstition, a product of the imagination, or else surrounded by superstition.

In fact, it is interesting to note how even within Spiritism these interventions are often taken with old wives' tale and, therefore, discredited, without first being analyzed.

On the other hand, it is interesting to discuss how, for more than 160 years, Kardec was already trying to explain, in the light of the teachings of the spirits and reason, these facts formerly surrounded by superstitions. Unfortunately, even today this superstition or this mysticism persists in the spiritualist environment, where, in some religions, limiting terms and beliefs are still used, even, as is the case of the so-called "Tranca-Rua", "Zé Pilantra", etc. who are nothing more than Spirits, in the simple and pure way they themselves have taught us.


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