How will our studies be?


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This week, we will start the studies of the Spiritist Magazine, in our virtual meeting. This first meeting will only be recorded, but the next ones, if all goes well, will have live (live broadcast), in our Youtube channel, for the participation of other interested parties.

We will approach the content of Revista Espírita in a sequential way, week by week, covering what fits within the approximate space of 01 hour of our meeting. After that, the live, if it existed, will no longer be available. But don't worry: we will publish videos on Youtube on the topics covered each week, in addition to producing articles on our website. Thus, everyone will have a wealth of content at their fingertips to accompany the studies of this group.

not to miss anything, make sure you register in our group and in our Youtube channel. You can also join our Group on Facebook and like our page, also on Facebook.


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