First Meeting of the Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec


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– Initial thanks to the participants.

Description of how the initiative for this Project came about::

“The watershed was a message of Paul of Tarsus (on the question Mother: work, wait, forgive). Then came the whole trajectory for the intuited Intimate Reformation. Then the literature on pedagogy of love appeared, a post from Revista Espirita and the book fell in front of me Neither Heaven nor Hell (Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo and Lucas Sampaio). Then another book dropped: Allan Kardec's Legacy (Simoni Privato Goidanich). And the inspiration came on a particular Saturday in August… When I opened my eyes I had set up this ENTIRE website! was born The Study Group The legacy of Allan Kardec”

Paul Degering's account

 Briefly: In the book Neither Heaven nor Hell the authors start with the issue of adulteration that occurred in the book Heaven and hell (Allan Kardec) and tells a little about what happened. They give evidence of all the deviation from the content of Kardec's book that he had. In this book, they quote from the book of Allan Kardec's Legacy (Simoni Privato Goidanich)

Simoni Privato identified the change in the work The Genesis (Allan Kardec). It showed what happened at the time, very well reasoned. Read the book that is part of our recommendations.

The big issue is not tampering. The big question is the deviation that the movement suffered. If it had been the way Kardec had planned, and continued methodologically, the spirits would be different from what they are today. He gave input to matters that did not match mediumship. For example, at the time, a gentleman, in contact with a medium, received messages from a false Higher Spirit. With tactics, Kardec warned that it was false. He didn't listen, he was fascinated. In the sequence, Kardec disincarnated, this medium approached leymarie, and so he entered the Spiritist Society and society fell.

If Leymarie had adopted Kardec's universal agreement methodology, he would have been able to verify.

Leon Denis, Gabriel Delanne, etc., did not come forward with the necessary energy. They were lost with the death of Allan Kardec, Kardec's widow was fragile.

After Kardec, some continued the movement as Ernesto Bozzano. he proceeded on The Crisis of Death. He sought the same methodology as Kardec. This was lost over time, as it did not have the same strength.

– We have to restart the movement, it is important to study a lot, but we have to update. Many say that it is outdated, we disagree on the basis: it is not outdated, but outdated.

We think that Kardec did a great job at his time, in just 11 years, but a lot deserves an update. In his time, the most common practice was psychography. Today is not so much. To understand psychophony we had to look for other means like the author Leon Denis to understand.

– We quote the term Karma The term Karma is not part of Spiritism.

– We quote Perispirit: Does it have several layers or not? How's that? Where does the word Perispirit come from? Where did it come from? The first person who mentioned spoke was Paul of Tarsus in Bible,. he used the term spirit body that made the communication between the body and the Spirit. Later, Paracelsus (sixteenth century) created the name Astral Body. There was nothing to be said about Occultism at that time because of the Inquisition, so the term became Esoteric (which is taught to a restricted and closed group). It turns out that the term Astral Body it is not Esoteric, for it simply means Body of the Stars, that is, outside the Earth. Afterwards, Kardec did not want to use any of those terms that referred to Esotericism or the Bible and created the word perispirit, that is, around the Spirit (Peri=around), more technical, without mysticism. Then André Luís came up with the term psychosoma, (junction of Psycho=mind, Soma=body). All are the same in other words.

– The Works of Chico Xavier brought many teachings in the work of André Luís. There are many people who say that it cannot be accepted as a Spiritist Work, because there was no methodology. It is important that we seek reason, but agreement can be timeless. There is much teaching in these works. For example, the “Spiritual Colonies” that were not mentioned by Kardec, but in Bozzano's work he talks about it, that small things can be molded. Why couldn't a colony? As for the medical knowledge cited in the books, we have not yet had the opportunity to extend this study. We had to wait. Another example: the gland that André Luís mentioned earlier, which studies have now shown that Apatite is the Pineal Crystal. And more: Reading André Luís is very pleasant, because he talks about the mediumistic process, as if it were a flame, a flower of the gland, the disincarnation process, when he sees the emanation of the Perispirit after the disconnection of the body, which he can't even detach right with the question that is of the Spirit. So, we have a lot of room to move forward.

– Situation of the Pandemic and Spiritist Meetings. There are many complications in having mediumistic meetings virtually. General understanding that Mediumship is in everyday life and not only in the spiritist meeting. There are people who don't even think it's mediumship. And there are people who confuse diseases with mediumship and lead an unruly life under the influence of evil spirits.

“We are living in a very important moment. It is part of the emergence of mediumship in everyone. Looks like it's time. People are talking a lot about seeing things, feeling things, etc. The number of mediums who did not know before that they were mediums greatly increased. They are looking more inward. The study helps to understand.  The study helps to understand. With study we can help others to find ways out.”

by Paulo Degering

Study calms down. We become more aware of each other. We reflect more on how we react. Always with surveillance.

There are so many people who looking for the right path can be part of a new tomorrow. Mediumship serves to correct people and to bring light to the world. So we have a huge field of possibilities. This is for the future.

the sensitivity it's the basis of everything: that feeling comes, it causes a nuisance and it contaminates itself energetically. Or someone comes from the street and you feel uneasy… This is showing that you are not balanced. When you feel someone contaminated, you don't justify getting close to that someone and contaminating yourself. It doesn't work like that. Contamination doesn't happen that easily.

– Example report that study improves mediumistic education: “In the beginning, I had mediumship all out of control, with spirits at home, on the street, etc. I started to study, to dedicate, nowadays all that has passed. It seems I don't even have mediumship anymore. We learn either through pain or through love. I went in for the pain. Glad I'm here with you. I was forced to lose fear, because I am no longer afraid of the Spirits.”

by Joel Moura

– We have to remove the mysticism of the supernatural regarding the Spirits. They are all around us. They are just like us, they think and feel like us. They're just disembodied. It has difficulties like every human being has. They are totally natural phenomena.

– There are spirits who want to do evil. What to do? Say a prayer, whatever, and look inside myself. What did I do, why is it happening.

– Question what mediumship is serious, Kardec didn't have a base. He did the coding, He who studied the effects suffered from not knowing anything. Today we have it. I disagree with places that have to study a long time to start doing something. If the person has mediumship, he has to understand what he is going through, seek intimate reform, and take it seriously. Kardec always looked for answers in mediums.

– Paul of Tarsus before starting anything, he spent years in the wilderness to start evangelizing. He had a very beautiful story. He is the greatest proof that the issue is not sin. When you make a mistake and you're guilty, you have to get up and that's it. And continue if you believe it. Saul was cruel, Paul was the good doer. Christianity used Paul a lot to be convincing. They used him to spread the gospel, and that's when he woke up. Spirituality was very smart in choosing him.

– We will meet weekly. The group will meet regularly at 7:30 pm every Thursday. We will use the various possible means, seeking to hold online, recorded meetings, in order to make the content of these studies available through means such as Youtube. Transcripts or creation of articles on these contents will be welcome and will be made available in the group's collection. Once a week, dealing primarily with the Spirit Magazine by Allan Kardec. To be clear:

In our site has all the information on how everything will happen. It also has the initiative so that other people create your groups and maybe one day if we return to mediumistic studies with the confederative groups as we call it here. Maybe open other groups if there's a lot of demand. For us to base ourselves on, we don't have everything ready, but we will consider and structure everything. To make a starting point.

Congratulations on the initiative.

We're all here together. Really. For you who arrived and whoever comes: the right people are arriving. Sometimes with difficulties, but with cohesion and trust we will always be able to overcome the problems. The site is beautiful and organized, practical, very good.


Reading Recommendations (Books)

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