A Senior Officer killed in Magenta

This article is continuation OF THIS ARTICLE

After evoking the Magenta Zouavo, Kardec evokes another officer from the same battle. In this case, he was one of their acquaintances, as we can see in question number 4,

1. - (Evocation).

─ Here I am.

2. ─ Could you say how you responded so promptly to our appeal?

─ I was aware of your desire.

3. ─ By whom were you warned?

─ By an emissary of Louis.

4. ─ Were you aware of the existence of our society?

─ You know.

NOTE OF AK: The official in question had actually helped the society to be registered.

5. ─ Under what point of view did you consider our society considerable, when you helped in its formation?

─ I was not entirely decided, but I was very inclined to believe. Without the events that happened, I would certainly have gone to learn in your circle.

6. ─ There are many great notables who share spiritist ideas, but do not confess it publicly. Would it be desirable for influential people to openly fly that flag?

─ Patience. God wills it, and this time the expression corresponds to the truth.

7. ─ From which influential class of society do you think the example should come from? ─ Of all classes. Initially some, then all.

8. ─ From the point of view of study, could you tell us, although he died more or less at the same time as the Zouavo who was here just now, if your ideas are more lucid than his?

─ A lot. What he was able to tell you by witnessing a certain elevation was blown to him. He's very good, but very ignorant, and a little frivolous.

9. Are you still interested in the success of our weapons?

─ Much more than ever, because today I know the goal.

10. ─ Can you define your thinking? Has the objective always been publicly confessed and, especially in your position, should you know it?

─ Do you know the objective established by God?

NOTE FROM AK: No one will ignore the gravity and depth of this answer. When alive, he knew the purpose of men, as a Spirit, he sees what is providential in events.

11. ─ Generally speaking, what do you think about the war?

─ My wish is that you progress quickly, so that it becomes as impossible as it is useless.

12. ─ Do you believe that the day will come when it will be impossible and useless?

─ I think so, and I don't doubt it. I can tell you that that moment is not as far away as you think, although I don't give you hope that you will see it.

13. ─ At the moment of death, did you immediately recognize yourself?

─ I recognized myself almost immediately, thanks to the vague notions I had of Spiritism.

14. ─ Can you say something about Mr… also killed in the last battle?

─ He is still in the networks of matter. There's more work to get rid of. His thoughts had not turned this way.

NOTE from AK: Thus, knowledge of Spiritism in life helps the soul to detach itself after death and shortens the period of disturbance that accompanies separation. This is understandable, as the Spirit knew in advance the world in which it finds itself.

To think about: If this knowledge is so important, how can we conceive that precisely when Spiritism was being scientifically studied, at the best possible time, nothing was said about this materiality that today dominates communications?

15. ─ Did you watch our troops enter Milan?

─ Yes, and with joy. I was enchanted by the ovation received by our troops, at first out of patriotism, then for the future that awaits them.

16. ─ As a spirit, can you exert some influence on strategic plans?

─ Do you believe that this has not been done from the beginning and do you find it difficult to imagine by whom?

17. ─ How did the Austrians abandon a stronghold like Pavia so quickly?

─ Out of fear.

NOTE: Sardinia was looking to expand its territory and establish a stronger position on the European political scene, while France saw the war as an opportunity to increase its influence in Italy and consolidate its position as a European power. In turn, the Austrian Empire sought to maintain its dominant position in the region and avoid the fragmentation of its empire.

18. ─ So they are demoralized?

─ Completely. Furthermore, if we act on ours in one sense, you must think that an influence of another nature acts on them.

NOTE from AK: Here, the intervention of the Spirits in events is unequivocal. They prepare the way for the realization of Providence's designs. The Ancients would have said it was the work of the Gods. We say that it is the work of the Spirits, by order of God.

19. ─ Can you give your opinion about General Giulay as a soldier, putting aside any nationalist feelings?

─ Poor, poor general!

NOTE: Ferenc Gyulai de Marosnémeti et Nádaska (1 September 1799, Plague – 1 September 1868, Vienna) was a Hungarian general in the Austro-Hungarian army. In 1849 he was appointed Minister of War by Emperor Francisco José I, but he would remain in office for only one year. As a soldier, he stood out for his participation in the invasion of Piedmont during the reunification of Italy. Commanding his troops, he crossed the Ticino River on April 29, 1859, invading Piedmontese territory. In this invasion he suffered two severe defeats: in the Battle of Montebello and in the Battle of Magenta, losing thousands of men in both and the war hanging in favor of the Italian side. After the defeat at Magenta he was removed from his post, returning to Austria-Hungary, where he died nine years later.

20. ─ Would you gladly return if we asked you to?

─ I am at your disposal and I promise to come, even without your call. You must believe that the sympathy I had for you cannot but increase. Goodbye.