We're knife and cheese in hand, and we're hungry


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“Good spiritists, my beloved, you are all last-minute workers. He would be proud enough to say: I began the work at dawn and I will not finish it until dusk. You all came when you were called, a little earlier, a little later, to the incarnation whose fetters you drag; but how many centuries and centuries ago the Lord called you to his vineyard, without your wishing to penetrate in it! Here you are at the time of pocketing the salary; make good use of the hour you have left and never forget that your existence, however long it may seem to you, is but a fleeting moment in the immensity of times that form eternity for you.. – Constantine, Protective Spirit. (Bordeaux, 1863.)”

“Don't be scared anymore! Tongues of fire are over your heads. O true adepts of Spiritism!. . . you are the chosen of God! Go and preach the divine word. The time has come when you must sacrifice your habits, your work, your futile occupations to its propagation.. Go and preach. With you are the elevated spirits.” – Erastus, the medium's guardian angel. Paris, 1863.

The Gospel according to Spiritism » Chapter XX – Workers at the last minute » Instructions from the Spirits » The last will be the first.

As always, we can't take anything literally. Of course, we cannot put aside work, which is necessary for the sustenance of the flesh, or even moments of joy or relaxation, which are necessary for the health of the body… Nor does it mean going out into the streets bothering others with gossip about reincarnation. But it means studying and producing. We can, with a little that each can study and do, do much more. Let's work, friends.

It is a fact that we are eternal, but don't we want to reach the happiness of those who live in goodness sooner, without the stain of imperfections? And do we not wish this also for our brethren? It has been about 150 years since the spiritist morality stopped developing. We have the knife and cheese in hand, and we are hungry. Let's study?


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