An invitation to cooperation


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Calm down, please don't run away! It's not that much work.

I would like to make a very simple invitation to you, who are dedicated to studying Spiritism: help yourself to spread it too!

Often, we study individually or in groups a topic that can serve as the basis for a simple article, succinct, punctual, but of great interest to other people. I invite you, then, to write! Just take notes, indicate sources of studies, or even indicate video excerpts of up to 10 minutes, for posting on TikTok, the fastest growing video network in the world.

where to post articles? Well, you can count on our support to use our platform, after analyzing the content, and you can also count on our help to help you create your own blog.

We can do a lot of good with a little effort from each one! Don't deny yourself that: the world needs everyone's help! Sharing knowledge is the fastest and most powerful way to change society!



Reading Recommendations (Books)

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