

Spiritist Scale: what Spirit am I?

Kardec built and presented, in the Spiritist Magazine of 1858 and in the Spirits' book, the Spiritist Scale (click here for the Spiritist Scale of 1858). He prepared it for us to better identify the Spirits who communicated through mediums, thus facilitating the understanding and content of the communications. read more

Rivail and education: “Punishment irritates and imposes. It doesn’t educate for reason.”

Rivail and education: “Punishment irritates and imposes. It doesn’t educate for reason.”

Allan Kardec, before this pseudonym, already produced texts on education. It is clear that their thoughts changed and expanded after the advent of Spiritism, but, like Hypolite Leon Denizard Rivail, many of them already showed an enviable lucidity of reasoning. We talk a lot about heteronomy and autonomy, and we highlight how much religious doctrines, […] read more

Immediate Disturbance After Death

We are all born! We're all going to die! From this truth of life comes the concern at the moment of death, which are always recurring issues. In this article we do not intend to close the subject, quite the opposite! We are only bringing a very small part of this vast subject. After all, we will all experience this event. The Spirits explained that not all Spirits pass through… Immediate disturbance after death Read More » read more