Does Spiritism have prejudice against Umbanda?


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Perhaps many spiritists have, in the same way that many Umbanda practitioners have, in relation to Spiritism, and in the same way that practically every human being can have prejudices. Pointing out and defining “sides” is definitely something that doesn't help much in human progress. Anyway, I take this opportunity to remind you of the following:

Firstly, it is necessary to separate what Spiritism is from what the “Spiritist Movement” is. The first is a solid and scientific, rational doctrine, based on the agreed teaching of the Spirits, given everywhere and for all times. The second is the group of people who consider themselves attracted by the ideas of this Doctrine and who, however, do not always act in accordance with its postulates – unfortunately this is what most happens nowadays.

Spiritism, as a Scientific Doctrine, does not force anything on anyone: it presents its conclusions and leaves everyone the freedom to accept them or not. However, many people, called spiritualists, even though they are aware of the existence of this Doctrine, choose not to inform themselves about it, judging the book by its cover, that is, acting prejudiced about it, saying that it is just another religion, or that it is just another opinion, or that The Spirits' Book – the basic work of this Doctrine – is just another book, written by Kardec, according to his own ideas.

How many people get into difficulties with regard to contact with the Spirits, and who, when invited to study the Spiritist Doctrine (which is called that because it belongs to the Spirits, and not to a single man or group) prefer to continue in their old conceptions, resisting to seek new knowledge?

It is said that Umbanda was born from a split within a Spiritist center, when the participants of that group did not accept the communication of an “old black man” in that environment. Now, if it is true, they are also no less culpable than other individuals, who insist on considering the basis of Spiritist Science as a “dead and overcome letter”.

From all of this, there is a lesson to be learned: to understand Spiritism, being it a science, born, in fact, as a development of Rational Spiritualism, which was also a scientific doctrine that included the study of psychology, metaphysics and morals, one cannot do without the study of his basic works, as well as, in order to understand Physics, he does not do without the study of Isaac Newton and Einstein. Just as Physics presents its postulates, but many people insist on ignoring it to say that the gravitational force does not exist, the same is done about Spiritism, which is not a “higher religion”, where the “only truths” exist. , but that is, yes, the only Scientific Doctrine, until today, dedicated to the rational study of our relations with the Spirits.

In fact, those who study Spiritism know that it, compared to other religions, comes to demonstrate the truth about everything that has always existed, but that has not always been well understood, in the same way that it shows errors, fruits of non-observance of reason or even of ignorance of certain information that, in time, began to be taught. They are the other individuals who, out of pride or personal interests, often cannot bear to see a dogma denied, and choose to attack back to the Spiritist Doctrine. Let's reflect. Instead of choosing sides, let's understand: Spiritism, as a science, can be studied by all modern spiritualists, as well as Magnetism, a sister science of the first. But, without studying and understanding, everything will remain the same: spiritists creating false concepts about spiritist (spiritual) communications in different religions and different religions failing to absorb knowledge as liberating, consoling and progressive as that of Spiritism.


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