Religions and the New World


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This will be a very succinct article, but of great reflections.

Religions, however far from the truth because of their dogmas, which aim to keep the people in ignorance, due to the thirst for power and control, have their uses. Of course, all of them advance - just compare, in general, the Catholic Church of 150 years ago, or even much less, with that of today - although they advance very slowly and only when they are forced to do so, most of the time. . With all this, they have always been receptacles of a certain truth, transmitted through the centuries, until the moment when man could understand and advance on these ideas.

It is a fact that, because of this thirst for control and dominion, the dogmas created for this purpose have long kept consciences under the thoughtlessness of fear and blind obedience, but, once again, the time has come. Let's look at the ranks of the churches: every day more, they are emptying. However, those who leave there, we don't find anyone who gives a better answer, they find the only answer that exists, which is in materialism.

We live exactly the same process faced between the 18th and 19th centuries, from which, in a short time (relatively speaking) we will see the emergence of a movement contrary to all this, seeking in spiritualism the answer that neither religions nor materialism can give.

However, today, we have an advantage. The very important studies on Rational Spiritualism, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo (mainly), can leverage this process; Spiritism, this time, does not need to be born from scratch, but only needs to be resumed in its original essence – what many recent studies, including those by Paulo, have helped a lot to accomplish. We are much closer to a revolution of ideas, which will not happen through politics, which is coercive, but through individual will, which responds to reason and free will.

My reader friend, I believe that in a few decades we will be able to see a new world. For this, however, the social foundations must be shaken - this time, not through force, but through the ideas of charity and good and, above all, autonomy through will and reason - and, for that, it is up to each of us to study exhaustively all these sources of knowledge in order to carry forward, in every possible situation, and outside the spiritist milieu, this consoling and transforming knowledge.

And we can start right now, weaving, for example, proposals to approach education, today predominantly heteronomous, experienced under the aspects of sin and punishment, with the Pestalozzi and Spiritist proposals, autonomous in all their essence.

We have a lot to do. And this process does not aim to derogate from religions, as it never did: it aims, above all, to bring about the strengthening of the truth that exists in them and to remove what there is of errors and untruths.

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