The path is winding, long, rocky and full of thorns, but we have to walk it.


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Dear friends, brothers who are attached to this initiative,

Once again, we invite each of you to participate actively in our group and to spread the essential ideas of Spiritism that, little by little, are beginning to be rediscovered and understood. It is in the interest and responsibility of all of us to restore, peacefully and patiently, but persistently and firmly, the original truths of this Doctrine born from the rational observation of the Spiritist teachings given everywhere and for all times! No longer an adulterated Spiritism, after Kardec's death, in order to give space to the retarding ideas of sin, fall and punishment, of karma, of rescues, but the Doctrine in its essence, based on the realization of free will, of choice of proofs and atonements, finally, the Doctrine that shows us that our step is always towards learning and spiritual progress, making part of this journey the mistakes and setbacks of each one, the same Doctrine that showed us, in its essence , not a pure soul created and deviated by sin, a simple and ignorant created Spirit and that, as it advances in its experiences, through mistakes and successes, joys and sufferings, it purifies itself of its imperfections and its materiality towards the true happiness of the superior spirits, already detached from these same imperfections and materiality through the acquisition of better habits and moral values.

It is natural, however, that such liberating and renewing ideas find resistance both in proud ignorance, closed to the reform of ideas, and in knowledge interested in keeping the class of faithful to the old doctrines under their wing. Even within Spiritism, such ideas of fall, sin and redemption are deeply rooted, as the adulterations come from a few months or years after the death of the worthy professor Rivail.

It will not be on the basis of wars and disputes, however, that we will discover this path full of briars and thorns, but on the basis of lucid understanding and a firm but friendly word. Let us avoid wasting time with those who make up the classes highlighted above, because both have no interest in changing their ideas in the face of irrefutable truth. For these, only time will have an effect. Let us invest our time, however, in the class of all those to whom these ideas not only please, but to whom they are substantial: those who no longer see any pleasure in life, those who think of giving it up, those who do not understand a vengeful God, who, in short, do not understand the reasons for day-to-day difficulties, or even to those who, of good will, wish to study Spiritism in its essence, in order to transmit, to all who can, the reforming and consoling ideas of this Doctrine in its originality.

Let us roll up our sleeves, therefore, dear brothers. Inaction does no one any good. Let's do our part. I, the author of this text, am here today, for a much loved Spirit who reached out to me in the most difficult moment of my life and for another, incarnate, who insisted on, daily and without any thanks, to spread a spiritist reflection in a WhatsApp group that was and still is forgotten why they formed a family in the spiritist center that, because of the pandemic, is now closed.

A gesture is often enough to change a life, an opinion, and, from there, start a movement. Onward, dear ones, and may God enlighten us all so that, in this process, we never let ourselves be contaminated by personalism, vanity, selfishness and pride.

The path is winding, long, rocky and full of thorns, but we have to walk it and clean it for the next generations, of which we will probably be a part again.


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