The gift of reincarnation


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We often find ourselves asking: why reincarnate? Could we not make all progress on the spiritual plane?

Spiritism, as in everything that we are already able to understand, comes to our rescue, explaining this point, which is actually fundamental to our lives, since we see so many brothers and, sometimes, ourselves, with thoughts of discouragement and giving up. . How many brothers have not taken their own lives from their bodies, through suicide, interrupting a reincarnation plan so important to them?

What Spiritism teaches us, dear brother or sister, is that, when in Spirit, in the state of erraticity, that is, in the period between one incarnation and another, our true self emerges with emphasis and transparency. Thus, our good and bad virtues, embedded in our minds, show themselves as they are, and with greater truth. It is as if we are a crystal vase that has the cloudy water thrown away and then starts to shine in its original clarity, although this does not always show a crystallity of heart.

The Spirit that has been struggling for some time due to moral imperfections - and even material vices - and that, from incarnation to incarnation, has not yet found the strong decision for its change, when disincarnating, it starts to experience this moral environment at its disposal. , as they move, with the speed of thought, to the companies and environments they most desire. Thus, many spirits easily become part of the ranks of spirits who agonize in the misunderstanding that, in order to leave, a firm will is enough, which until then, even in physical life, they often failed to have.

Also, there are cases of obsessed and persecuted spirits, often demented by the extent of their own guilt and misunderstanding.

Then comes the opportunity of reincarnation as a very valuable device that allows the Spirit, through the obliteration of integral memory, to regain breath and correct imperfections, especially through the so important but still so forgotten role of parents or caregivers, from early material childhood that the Spirit goes through, a phase in which it becomes more docile and malleable to learning - which should always be done on the basis of love and fraternity, in a constructive way and never violent or imposing.

But, we remember, reincarnation, or reincarnation planning, only happens in an “impositional” way when the Spirit does not yet have the consciousness developed to the point of understanding the needs for its advancement. It is at this point that he is constrained to reincarnate, by other Spirits who, in the name of charity, dedicate themselves to such a task.

From the moment, however, in which the Spirit develops its own awareness of its own imperfections and the need to correct them, it starts to act positively in this process, often requesting a new incarnation, full of tests and atonements, with the purpose of learning and correcting its imperfections.

Therefore, the incarnation, the present life, is a divine gift, a blessed opportunity to readjust the factors that, in ourselves, lead us to make mistakes and, therefore, to suffer. It has never been and will never be a punishment or a punishment and, if we ourselves do not increase our sufferings by our own actions, we will be able to go through the trials and atonements many times chosen by us, because we will never be abandoned in this endeavor and, in addition to the brothers who assist us from the spiritual plane, there will always be people around us, ready and often devoted to this planning, to help us.

Dear brothers, let us spread this simple and so powerful truth, so that the brother who is about to give up on life, reconsider his position and that he does not have to, only from the spiritual plane, wrapped in suffering, look back and verify that the suffering that he was going through was about to end and that he had a lot to help him change, never to suffer like that again, if he had his will very firm and decided. And remember, always: we will all reach happiness and perfection, some faster than others, by the action of their own will:

133. Do spirits who from the beginning have followed the path of good need incarnation?

“All are created simple and ignorant and are instructed in the struggles and tribulations of bodily life. God, who is just, could not make some happy, without toil and work, therefore without merit.”

The) - But, then, what is the use of spirits to have followed the path of good, if this does not exempt them from the sufferings of bodily life?

“They reach the end faster. Furthermore, the afflictions of life are often the consequence of the imperfection of the Spirit. The fewer imperfections, the less torments. He who is neither envious, nor jealous, nor greedy, nor ambitious, will not suffer the tortures that arise from these defects.”

The Book of Spirits

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