starting work


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It is with immense satisfaction, after the much-needed help of friendly spirituality, that we begin our first steps in this group. We hope, with the beginning of studies on the Spiritist Magazine, to better understand how master Allan Kardec acted and, with that and with the extension of studies that these themes will give, we will prepare ourselves more for the new paths that will eventually be opened to us. , in this endeavor of proposing to the methodological study of Spiritism, recovering Kardec's steps.

We ask Jesus to not only pour out blessings on us, but to act very firmly, so that we do not allow ourselves to distance ourselves from the greater purposes, governed by disinterested charity and by all the principles he taught us, from the manger to the cross.

We ask those who feel attracted by our proposal not to hesitate to contact us for any assistance we can give regarding the replication of this group in other parts and by other people, equally interested and committed to the greater purposes of Spiritism, which is the enlightenment of humanity.

A huge fraternal hug,



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