Spiritism and the world of regeneration: how will we get there?


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Today I was “philosophizing” about this subject, and I arrived at the following ideas that, I emphasize, are based on my way of seeing the theme and on my knowledge of Spiritism – which may not reflect the most complete reality. Below are my considerations:

Let us reflect: modification does not come from the top down, as an imposition, but from the bottom up, from the individual to society, as choice. Therefore, the planet will only be transformed by the change of its inhabitants. And when we talk about regeneration, what is a Spirit that regenerates itself, failing to undergo trials and atonements? In my understanding, it is the Spirit that starts to look within itself, moving from planning lives that only aim to bring “reparative sufferings”, to planning lives that give them more opportunities for learning to smother their imperfections. And how does this happen? Only by will, fueled by reason. Therefore, as I understand, it is precisely the knowledge reinforced by Spiritism that will enable us to conquer a new terrestrial “environment”.

As long as the spirits continue to be shackled to the old con- – an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. However, as they understand that what they really need is to strengthen themselves through learning and reason, in contact with valuable knowledge, in order to deal with their imperfections, they will, in my view, plan their lives more wisely.

After all, which causes more suffering: physical pain, which ends with death, or moral pain, which continues until the factor that caused it is resolved? Isn't that how we act here? When we make a mistake, we often want to be punished in order to relieve our conscience, so that we want to put aside the real problem, which is our imperfection and the moral suffering that originates from it, due to mistakes. The more mature individual, however, knows that punishment does not solve it, and seeks to face his own problems, which made him wrong.

For example: in that case of the Assassin Lemaire (RE – March 1858) he knew he had to deal with his imperfections. How did you think about doing this? He planned to be born in the midst of crime, but he failed in his attempt, as the environment was stronger than him, who still did not have much stronger will and reason. When he failed in his attempt, he was one more to spread criminality, allying other spirits to his intentions. What if – what if! – would he, more consciously, have planned a different life? What if, instead of putting himself under the environment of crime, to fight with his passions, he had chosen a firm and kind family, which would give him a better education and put him in contact with contents that could help him to strengthen his will to overcome your imperfections, through reason? Perhaps he had managed to overcome many of his imperfections, in addition to no longer being one of the criminals.

Isn't that, as a general understanding, generating better decisions, great for the planet? Wouldn't it cause a huge change to society? I think so. But this requires, in the foreground, that the Spirit faces itself: that it places itself under a critical perspective and that it faces its own “demons”. Now, in a society that insists on believing, because it is easier, in the imposition of divine punishments, we see how far we are still from this new era on this planet... , develop our virtues and seek to elevate ourselves, in the good, so that we can conquer the possibility of incarnating in happier worlds.

Who knows….

I end with Kardec, in A Genesis (4th edition, original - the excerpt was deleted in the 5th edition, which many say has not been tampered with):

To say that humanity is ripe for regeneration does not mean that all individuals are on the same level, but many have, by intuition, the germ of new ideas that circumstances will bring about. Then they will prove to be more advanced than one might suppose, and they will eagerly follow the lead of the majority. There are, however, those who are essentially refractory to these ideas, even among the most intelligent, and who will certainly not accept them, at least in this lifetime; in some cases, in good faith, out of conviction; others for interest. They are those whose material interests are linked to the current conjuncture and who are not advanced enough to give them up, as the general good matters less than their personal good – they are apprehensive at the slightest reform movement. The truth is a secondary issue for them, or, better said, the truth for some people lies entirely in that which does not cause them any trouble. All progressive ideas are, from their point of view, subversive ideas, and therefore they have an implacable hatred for them and make a stubborn war against them. They are intelligent enough to see Spiritism as an aid to progressive ideas and the elements of transformation that they fear and, because they do not feel up to it, they strive to destroy it.. If they thought him worthless and unimportant, they wouldn't worry about him. We have already said it elsewhere: “The more grandiose an idea is, the more it finds opponents, and its importance can be measured by the violence of the attacks to which it is the object”.

Kardec, The Genesis, 4th Edition – FEAL

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