Spirit Box to communicate with Spirits

O “Spirit Box” é um dispositivo muito comentado atualmente, sobre tudo por conta dos canais de “caça-fantasmas”. Até mesmo, with many mistakes, o “Canal Espírita” já abordou o assunto, conforme eu demostro in this video. But the subject is not new: for a long time, researchers in instrumental transcommunication (ICT) have said that they use electronic devices to communicate with Spirits. Allan Bispo describes the following curious fact:

We could say that the first case of a recorded paranormal voice took place in the experimental physics laboratory of the Catholic University of Milan, on September 17, 1952.

There, Fathers Gemelli and Ernetti carried out experiments with Gregorian chants to eliminate harmonics. At that time there were no recorders with tapes, only with wires. This thread broke frequently, so it was necessary to tie a very fine knot to avoid damaging the sound.

That day, the thread had just broken once again and Father Gemelli, upset, exclaimed: “oh, daddy, help me”, as he had been in the habit of saying for many years, since the death of his father.

Once the repair was done, they began to listen to the recorded material, however, instead of the expected Gregorian chant, they heard their father's voice in amazement: “of course I help you and I am always with you”.

BISPO, Allan. “Transcomunicação Instrumental”. Disponível em https://www.harmoniaespiritual.com.br/2011/09/transcomunicacao-instrumental.html. Accessed October 19, 2023.

Por esses e outros fatos, podemos constatar que a transcomunicação instrumental, mesmo através da “Spirit Box”, não é algo impossível. Na verdade, parece bastante factível. A questão, sempre, em se tratando de ciência, será saber analisar a tudo fria e metodologicamente, separando as coisas…


A grande dificuldade, sempre, será saber analisar e separar o que é verdadeiro, sério, daquilo que não é. O problema não é novo: na época de Kardec os charlatães já faziam uso dos mais diversos tipos de truques e artifícios para ganharem fama e, quase sempre, dinheiro. Por isso Kardec sempre recomendou o sangue-frio na análise desses supostos fenômenos, nunca aceitando nada apressadamente. Os artigos “A floresta de Dodona e a estátua de Memnon”, da Revista Espírita de fevereiro de 1858, “Fraudes espíritas”, de abril de 1859 e “O músculo que range”, de junho de 1859, são recomendados nesse sentido ((Todo o estudo da Revista Espírita é importante, é evidente)).

This problem, of the interests behind the supposed phenomena, is not restricted to communication through instruments alone. It also covers mediumistic communications, unfortunately. But, currently, a new (bad) contribution has added in this sense: the emergence of applications that, supposedly, allow communication with Spirits.

spirit story box app

It is not in our position to say whether or not Spirits can interact through a cell phone application, simply because there is no methodological study on this. Since Spiritism is a science, this is clear: what is not developed by scientific methodology it cannot be admitted, nor summarily dismissed. But there is a relevant point: the Spirits do not interact directly on matter, that is, not without a medium of physical effects that allow them to obtain the animalized perispiritual fluid (ectoplasm) to carry out any action on matter. Having this medium at his disposal — often without the medium even knowing — the Spirit acts, so to speak, directly on the subject. Therefore, we can safely say that communication via objects (instrumental transcommunication) is just another option and, perhaps, the most limited of them.

be admitted, nor summarily dismissed. The point here is to point out the fact that, armed with such applications and false ideas, video channels on YouTube have become gigantic sources of profits and misinformation. Many of these channels, with hundreds of thousands of followers, generate monthly sums of thousands of dollars for their owners, who seem to find Spirits “trapped” in every abandoned property. Furthermore, we have the device and application market itself, which lives off the advertising carried out through these channels. It is a true pyramid of interests, where charity has no place.

False assumptions

Spirits preferably frequent the ruins

Due to lack of knowledge of Spiritism, the false idea is that suffering Spirits would be especially located in certain places, such as abandoned houses and cemeteries. This is false. As what is contained in The Book of Mediums in this regard is excellent in itself, I recommend reading the article “Haunted places“, do qual destaco o seguinte excerto:

4th. Is there any basis for the belief that Spirits preferably frequent ruins?

"None. Spirits go to such places, like everyone else. Men's imagination, awakened by the gloomy appearance of certain places, attributes to the presence of Spirits what is, almost always, a very natural effect. How many times has fear caused the shadow of a tree to be mistaken for a ghost and the cry of an animal, or the breath of the wind, for ghosts? Spirits like the presence of men; hence they prefer inhabited places to deserted places.”

This does not mean that there are no Spirits who remain attached to places, especially when it comes to their former homes. Sad reality, which causes suffering to the Spirit with attachment to materialistic ideas.

Only suffering spirits communicate

A fixed idea among “ghostbusters” is that only dark or suffering Spirits communicate. This is false. Inferior Spirits communicate through physical manifestations, but this does not mean that they are malicious or that their intentions are bad. Many times they just want to get attention or even thank you. The Revista Espírita is full of facts like these, one of them being the one told in the article “An old carter“, de dezembro de 1859.

Talking to suffering spirits causes obsession

This is another very false idea that reigns in the spiritist movement in general. What causes obsession is the free acceptance of the influence of another Spirit, incarnate or disembodied. As long as this influence is not allowed, by a greater moral force, it will not occur. We cannot, however, support the jokes and nonsense made through the evocations of Spirits, which can only attract frivolous or even malicious Spirits (who, once again, will only find room for influence if they find resonance in the ideas and actions of individuals ).

A strange fact is that one of the biggest factors in the installation of an obsession is the blind acceptance of what the Spirits say, something that most of the modern Spiritist Movement does. We have already discussed this in the article “Obsessed and Subdued: the dangers of Spiritism“.

One more fact: It is not the evocation that attracts the Spirits, but the thought.

Os Espíritos que se comunicam estão “presos” à Terra

Yet another oft-repeated idea, and false, é a de que os Espíritos precisem de “resgate” e que, se isso não acontecer, ficarão “presos” à Terra. Até mesmo um grande canal como o “Canal Espírita” divulga essa falsa ideia, baseada em opiniões. Como demonstra O Livro dos Médiuns (e a Doutrina Espírita inteira) os Espíritos se dirigem por intermédio de sua vontade. Pela vontade e por conta de pouca compreensão e de apegos, podem se ater a pessoas, situações ou lugares. Quando mais elevados e mais desprendidos das ideias materialistas — algo a que o Espiritismo favorece substancialmente — mais facilmente se desprendem da matéria.

It is a fact that a large part of the Spirits that leave matter, here on Earth, are still poorly developed Spirits who remain concerned and involved with worldly interests. But it's not like that for everyone. Again, the study of the Revista Espírita (1858 – 1869) proves this principle.

Summoning Spirits causes them to become Earthbound

This idea, repeated by Luiz Fernando, on Canal Espírita, also has no basis in Spiritism. In fact, it contradicts everything that years of serious research have demonstrated. Evoking Spirits (in a serious way and with good purposes) is useful and natural and, in the case of suffering Spirits, it helps them to reason and to detach themselves from matter. It is the opposite of what those who claim such things say.


In addition to uselessness and interests, we also have futility. In the same way that happened with the games with the compass and the moving glasses, the frivolous and futile evocation of Spirits can only attract frivolous and futile Spirits. Sometimes, an evil spirit seeks to play a trick or scare you. Other times, if there is resonance of ideas, you can find someone to obsess over.

Absence of usefulness

Assuming that some of these events are genuine communications and allowing for the possibility that they may occur, we need to ask what is the use of them, given that can only be performed by inferior Spirits? Now, it is a fact that these manifestations had their reason for being, in the past, in order to draw attention to spiritist facts, but would they be necessary today (except for very particular cases)? We ask: why not use mediums, which are much better and more complete tools for these communications?

It is also important to remember that Spirits cannot interact with matter directly, without the assistance of a medium, even if unconscious of it. This is evidenced in The Book of Mediums or guide for mediums and evokers > Second part — Spiritist manifestations > Chapter V — Spontaneous physical manifestations > Throwing objects. Thus, we reflect: since the medium is indispensable, wouldn't it be more logical to make them good tools, through study, instead of referring the Spirits to physical manifestations?

Furthermore, we must highlight that, apart from errors and charlatanism, there are genuine material phenomena of Spirits attached to materialistic ideas who, therefore, cannot find a better direction after leaving the body. Still here, it is noted that, due to the lack of knowledge of Spiritism, well-intentioned individuals, equipped with their “Spirit Box”, are no longer much more useful, as they do not know how to deal with this fact. They are based on current false ideas and add very little or nothing to help change that Spirit's thoughts.

Importance of Spiritism

Spiritism, as a scientific doctrine, is the result of years of serious and methodological research into the manifestations of Spirits. It is not something that someone has taken from their own ideas and said “I say it is so”. On the contrary: this study led, on several occasions, to individuals, including Kardec, being contradicted in their hypotheses.

For this reason, studying it is essential for anyone who wants to do good with fewer mistakes and practice healthy and useful communication with Spirits as it should be.