“Do I know who I was in other lives? How can I know what I came to rescue on this journey of mine?”

It is not necessary.

The veil of oblivion has its reason for being and, many times, knowing about the other life brings more trouble than solution. É algo que jamais uma pessoa séria fará, mas, infelizmente, existem os indivíduos mais interessados em ganhos e que, de forma irresponsável, se lançam a esse tipo de “trabalho”.

By observing ourselves with a very critical and honest look, verifying our own imperfections, we can easily identify what puts us in difficulties in the face of life situations, understanding, then, that these difficult situations are precisely opportunities, often planned by us. ourselves, in order to overcome these imperfections and move towards true happiness.

Por fim, destaco que, segundo a Doutrina Espírita, não existe “resgate”, não existe pagamento de dívidas, não existe, nesse sentido, o “carma”: the Spirit, conscious and free, choose trials and atonements (and opportunities) with the purpose set out above – overcoming imperfections and acquiring virtues – never, ever, the difficulties of life being the result of a divine mechanics, a concept linked to the dogma of the fall for sin. The only Spirit that does not choose its proofs is the Spirit in a state of denial., who still reincarnates, but who just lives a life that, by itself, in the face of the contents of this individual, will bring difficulties and moral pain, which one day will make him leave denial and go back to seeking to face these imperfections through conscious choices.

Portanto, ao enfrentar uma prova difícil, não pense “estou pagando por algo ou resgatando algo do passado”, mas sim “é uma difícil mas importante oportunidade de aprendizado. Vou tirar dela o máximo possível”. E, para tanto, understanding Spiritism in depth is substantial!