What do Spirits do after death?


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What do we do in life beyond the grave? This is a question that many ask themselves. Furthermore, another: “if there are no spiritual colonies, then what exists after death? It can’t be anything.”

Allan Kardec, in the Spiritist Magazine of May 1862, on the occasion of Mr. Sanson's death, says a beautiful prayer, from which we extract the following excerpt:

You no longer have the veil that hides, from our eyes, the splendors of the future life; From now on, you will be able to contemplate new wonders, while we are still immersed in darkness. You will travel through space and visit the worlds with complete freedom, while we crawl painfully on Earth, where our material body holds us back, similar to a heavy burden for us. The horizon of infinity will unfold before you, and in the presence of so much grandeur you will understand the vanity of our earthly desires, our worldly ambitions and the futile joys that men delight in.

Death is, among men, nothing more than a material separation of a few moments. From the place of exile, where the will of God still holds us back, as well as the duties we have to fulfill in this world, we will follow you, by thought, until the moment when we will be allowed to reunite with you, as you were reunited with those who preceded you.

If we cannot come with you, you can come close to us. Come therefore among those who love you and whom you have loved; support them in the trials of life; watch over those who are dear to you; Protect them according to your power, and soften their lamentations by the thought that you are happier now, and the consoling certainty of one day being reunited with you in a better world.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Magazine of May 1862

Certainly, life after death does not take place in an empty space, since nothing, nothing is. The big issue is that our mentality is taken from a materialization of the world of Spirits, promoted above all by the unreflective admission of the ideas of the Spirit of André Luiz, presented in Nosso Lar and others.

Go back to the previous excerpt and pay attention to the ideas reverberated by Kardec in this simple and touching prayer: “[…] you will be able to contemplate new wonders, while we are still immersed in darkness”; “You will travel through space and visit the worlds with complete freedom, while we crawl painfully on Earth”; "O horizon of infinity will unfold before you, and in the presence of so much grandeur you understand the vanity of our earthly desires, of our worldly ambitions, and of the futile joys in which men delight.”

Far from what they seek to do, there is no inherent relationship between André Luiz's ideas and Spiritist Science, about a fantastic after-death world, where even a flying bus, Spirits who are already relatively calm, past the disturbance phase, would have what to take. Charity is a moral duty and does not await reward. The Spirit disconnected from materialism serves Creation, acting in Infinite Space, contributing to the execution of Natural Laws, whether in Nature, or by learning and helping, in contact with other Spirits, incarnate and disembodied.

Before the excerpt above, Kardec says the following:

“You left the gross envelope, subject to vicissitudes and death, and you kept only the ethereal, imperishable and imperishable envelope. inaccessible to suffering. If you no longer live by the body, you live from the life of the Spirits, and this life is free from the miseries that afflict Humanity.”

Pain, hunger, cold, heat, thirst, fear, tiredness? Only for Spirits attached to materiality, who create these false sensations, that they cannot supply, around you. This statement is very important, and comes not from Kardec, but from the superior Spirits themselves:

970. What do the sufferings of inferior Spirits consist of?

“They are as varied as the causes that determined them, and proportional to the degree of inferiority, as enjoyments are to that of superiority. They can be summed up like this: envying what they lack to be happy and not getting it; seeing happiness and not being able to achieve it; grief, jealousy, anger, hopelessness about what prevents them from being happy; remorse, indefinable moral anxiety. They desire all pleasures and cannot satisfy them: this is what tortures them.”

KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits' Book.

Therefore, the idea of a “Spiritual Colony”, created by Superior Spirits, to satisfy the false needs of attached, inferior Spirits, not only goes against common sense, but also the Spiritist Doctrine itself!

Let us remember, finally, that we can find, in Kardec's works, other examples of Spirits who, freed from matter, demonstrate the tasks of the post-death, acting in the good, for the detached Spirits:

  • Countess Paula, presented in Heaven and Hell, covered in recent article.
  • The Lady Schwabenhauss, in the Spiritist Magazine of September 1858.
  • The articles The Genius of Flowers and Questions about the genius of flowers, in the Spiritist Magazine of March 1860.
  • The article O Anjo das Crianças, in the Spiritist Magazine of April 1860.

This is what we can present so far and, still based on Genesis, we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence of the falsity of the systematized ideas about “Spiritual Colonies”, where selfishness and the idea of charity out of interest would be perpetuated. We remind you that we have already carried out a more extensive study on the materiality of beyond the grave, which you can find by clicking on here.


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