We do not speak to the Spiritist Movement


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I finished one of the last articles talking about the Spiritist Movement, attached to the errors that were slowly and continuously being admitted in its midst, slowly erasing the doctrinal knowledge now acquired through Kardec's studies.

Mistakes? Oh, several. Ideas of places in erraticity; the idea of reincarnation as payment of debts; the ban on talking to spirits outside the Spiritist Center; the blind acceptance of isolated communications, without going through the sieve of already acquired science and reason; The churchization of spiritist centers, which began to adopt rituals and formulas, in short, a series of contradictions to what had already been established by the scientific study of Spiritism.

And who am I to point out such mistakes? Well, I am a mere student of the Doctrine who, after being in contact with a series of historical facts and diving into the study of the Spiritist Magazine, found so much disparity. But, I said, it is not the Spiritist Movement, resistant to detachment from the ideas fixed by years, sometimes decades, of reading Spiritist novels, without going through the study of the Spiritist Doctrine. Neither do those who, in their simplicity, are very calm in claiming to be supporters of the Doctrine, but who do not study it, nor do they dedicate themselves to disseminating it. No.

As in Kardec's time, with safeguarded differences, we address scholars, researchers and scientists in good faith (and not blind faith) who are interested in knowing what is unknown to them. They are the ones who will seek to understand and who, when they have understood, will spread the ideas that were born with Mesmer and with Rational Spiritualism and that found full development with Spiritism. They are the ones who will have their eyes shining and, who knows, end up moved like the rest of us, when they see in Spiritism a vast depth of philosophical, metaphysical, scientific and moral knowledge. The mathematician, the physicist, the chemist, in short, all those with common sense, will see, amazed, the extension of the doctrine formed by the studies of Kardec, whose figure will rise to the highest conditions of prominence among the names that changed the world...

We are here, finally, anxious and hopeful for the development of the latest studies, the latest research. While we do not have access to the contents of the latest research that valuable colleagues are carrying out, we can only talk about what we know, what we understand so far, producing something that, we hope, will be useful tomorrow, when Science begins to leave dogma and return to metaphysics rational, rational spiritualism, but, this time, with an enormous ballast of knowledge that touches on all areas of human knowledge, with its already known philosophical and moral aspects.

We are very happy for the path that opens in front of us. And we hope that you, feeling infected, are too. Spiritism will return to its condition of science, away from mysticism and dogma. As for the resisters and dissidents, time will show where the truth lies, with the difference that when Science admits Spiritism, this time it will be definitive and will change the world.

Dear Reader: If you feel compelled, participate in the studies, but also help spread the word about what we already have in hand. It is knowledge that touches all areas and that can count on the familiarity of each one. Videos are good, but they are not enough, because they are still not searchable, that is, what a video is about, speaking, is not accessible to search engines. The text is.

We wait for you.


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