Walewska: reflections from the perspective of Spiritism


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One of the greatest Brazilian athletes, Walewska Oliveira (and not Valeska, Valesca, Walesca, Waleska, etc.) passed away on the night of 21/09/23, in São Paulo. The reason for her death was a fatal fall — likely suicide — from the 17th floor of the building where she lived with her husband, Ricardo Alexandre Mendes. The police report recorded the incident as a fall, and also recorded the existence of a piece of paper where, possibly, she had recorded a goodbye letter. The building's cameras recorded the moments in which the athlete went to this area, carrying a bottle of wine and a briefcase. The details of the case are not yet known, but the issue, precisely this month, marked by the campaign Yellow September, aimed at preventing suicide (we omitted the word to avoid problems with search engines) raises a reflection from the perspective of Spiritism, in what it actually says.

First of all, I must say that I find any opinion that seeks to judge attitudes like this (assuming that this happened) by classifying them as selfish, “lack of God”, cowardice, etc., to be regrettable.

We wish Walewska's family, friends and husband a lot of strength to go through something so difficult and that, if they look for answers, they can find them in the right places. Furthermore, we hope that no supposed spiritist will inadvertently bring supposed communications, psychographed letters, exposing them to the public without reasoning about them. We feel that, if what we suppose was what happened, she did not have the opportunity to learn about a philosophy that gives certainty about the future and the ability to face life's pain from a different perspective.

Spiritist Doctrine and Spiritist Movement

It is worth remembering that the Spiritist Doctrine, as it really is, is a science, formed by methodological and serious studies, coordinated by Allan Kardec, analyzing communications, evocations and phenomena throughout the world. Its main characteristic, as a science, is that any doctrinal principle must be born from the scientific method, something that was abandoned at the end of the 19th century.

Contrary to spontaneous evocations and communications, at that time subjected to the double criteria of agreement and reason, today the Spiritist Movement in general believes blindly in practically what mediums and spirits say, forgetting or unaware that they are just opinions that should pass the aforementioned criteria. . Other times, they generalize individual situations, precisely because of a lack of knowledge. Thus, different narratives are created which, if not just absurd, sometimes offend reasoning and even disrespect individuals in their different conditions.

The Valley of Suicides

We can mention, among them, and in the aspect discussed here, the idea that every suicide will go to the “Valley of Suicides”, where, according to this idea, they will suffer until they accept the “rescue” of a Spirit who, many say, it would be the Virgin Mary herself. Others say that whoever carries out this act will be reborn in bodies mutilated by guilt, where they must redeem the crime committed. They are, respectively, nothing more than false ideas originating from religions that teach the fall into sin.

I wonder: don't people who say such things put themselves in the shoes of those who hear them? Don't they reason? How would a mother, whose son was born with certain physical characteristics, feel when she heard the idea that the reason for that was due to the fact that he had committed crimes, if not against others, then against himself and against God? Wouldn't many be offended? Many others could come to see them with stigmas, perhaps? Worse: what would people who were born with such characteristics think? The fact is that many abandon Spiritism because of the Spiritist Movement which, in the information age, is reluctant to recognize the need to return to Kardec, not because of fundamentalism, but because of seeking scientific foundations.

We have already heard people say, within a Spiritist Center, from people involved in the institution's work, and even from speakers, that the reason the person was born blind was because they used their vision, in their past life, to bad. How many absurdities, how many nonsense, which only empty the banks of the Spiritist Movement, turned into religion.

Real Spiritism

But, thanks to Kardec's methodological studies, we can easily demonstrate the falsehood in the generalization of these ideas. It would be enough for every spiritist adept to read the first year of the Revista Espírita (1858), to verify that the situations of the Spirits of people who committed these acts are not unique, precisely because we cannot outline a “penal code of future life”, an idea introduced into adulteration of Heaven and Hell, in its fourth edition, released after Kardec's death, on which all known editions until recently were based (refer to edition of Editora FEAL to access the original and untouched content).

They would discover, with this study, that the future of the Spirit depends on its psychology, its knowledge, its ideas. That the extreme act is often taken in a state of madness, madness, thoughtlessness, inability to deal with unmonitored emotions. The article "Suicide for love“, from Revista da September 1858, demonstrates this. The article “The Samaritan woman's suicide“, from June of the same year, demonstrates another case, where the Spirit, in a deep state of disturbance, believes, due to a state of moral suffering, that it is still linked to its body.


One fact is undeniable: remorse and repentance will be states that all Spirits will encounter, later, when they realize that they took such an attitude due to an inability to deal with pain, emotions (at that time known as passions), regrets, with dislikes, etc. Unfortunately, everything is generated by an inability to see life from another angle, a very broad, logical, and clear angle that Spiritism provides, in its originality. It does not try to impose the fear of punishment, but demonstrates the facts, the consequences and gives the individual a glimpse of the future, where attachments lead to evil and suffering, but the path to return to good will always be open, from the moment in which he understands the reasons for his suffering and, through his own will and efforts, decides to face the roots of his mistakes.

See: in the case presented in the Magazine of September 1858, the boy just carried out a thoughtless act. He states that he didn't even think about it, but that he was overcome by “vertigo”, that is, such a strong emotion that he didn't know how to deal with. In Spirit, he understood the foolishness (which is why everyone, without exception, will spend some time with the fateful scene repeating itself in their minds) and understood the need to correct himself in the future, so as not to commit this type of problem again. Who knows, according to your ability to understand, you will choose a life that will give you, from an early age, the fiber to deal with these emotions?

It remains to be said that the scenes that some suffering Spirits transmit in communications, such as dark valleys or even the idea of “threshold“, are born from their own minds. Perhaps they can materialize them on a scale, in a kind of tuned suffering, but they are no less temporary and definitely do not represent the generic condition of the suffering Spirit after death (read the Spiritist Magazine and you will see).

The obsession

We have one more aspect to address: the issue of obsession. The science of Spirits, treated seriously, was emphatic in demonstrating that individuals sometimes commit such acts in a state of madness, out of their mind. Often, but not always, this state has the determining influence of an obsessing Spirit.

An article that demonstrates this is “The Spirit and the Juror“, from November 1859. In it, it is evident that the role of an obsessing Spirit, when it finds paths in the individual's own ideas, can influence you slowly. The latter, accepting this influence, which pleases him, even without knowing that he does so, slowly allows himself to be in tune with the obsessing Spirit, like a puppet whose strings are slowly being connected to the hands of its master. At a certain point, the individual starts to respond blindly, reaching a state of possession, as discussed by Kardec in A Gênesis (refer to the edition by FEAL).

Hence, a kind of shared guilt is born, of which each person will be their own judge. The one who allowed himself to be influenced, when he understands, will seek to create the strength to no longer allow himself to do so. The one who influenced, one day, will understand the harm he is doing to himself, deviating from the good, and will seek conditions to repair his deviation.

Final words

There is a lot to recover when it comes to the scientific principles of Spiritism. Its recovery, its restoration, free from dogmas and false ideas depends on this. daily disseminated and taught in spiritist centers, on tribunes and, now, on the Internet, where they find it regrettably easy to spread. We need to use this facility in favor of good and the restoration of true ideas, not attacking others, as many still waste their time doing, but recovering the truth and disseminating it, in true ant work, where each person needs to carry their grains . Take your initiative. Forget about romance for the moment. Study Spiritism where it really exists as a scientific doctrine.


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2 thoughts on “Walewska: reflexões sob a ótica do Espiritismo

  1. Dear ,
    The approach to the topic of suicide is interesting. I always had doubts about the threats and punishments promised in spiritist novels.
    But I question about the VI commandment: you shall not kill! Would suicide be a crime against God's laws or not? A crime against nature? The text talks about remorse and regret in the case of an individual who, through a conscious and rational decision to dislike life, through manipulation, lies and deceit in mediumship, finds himself in a financial, professional and emotional situation of helplessness and abandonment and decides to kill himself, what is the reality? that this spirit will be found in the spiritual world?

    1. Dear Octavio,

      Thank you very much for your participation and for the initiative in dialoguing. This is sorely lacking nowadays.

      Kardec, in O Céu o Inferno (see edition by publisher FEAL, as the others are based on the adulterated edition), after years of developing the Spiritist Doctrine, deals extensively with this topic, forming the largest philosophical basis of Spiritism. It is possible to understand, through the development of spiritist ideas, in their originality, that certain current ideas are the result of religious dogmas based on the dogma of the fall through sin. We need to understand that the principles expressed in the Bible must be seen for their moral nature, and not in the light of a vengeful God, which was the idea at the time.

      See: Spiritism demonstrates that all Spirits, without exception, are created simple and ignorant, and that they evolve until they become perfect Spirits. On this path, we will make mistakes. From mistakes, we will reap results, and these results will allow us to learn. It is also possible to learn by success, of course, and that is why many superior Spirits incarnate to set examples, the greatest of which was Jesus. Well, suicide occurs due to a lack of knowledge of reality, due to the lack of perspectives on life and the future. It will be another mistake to overcome.

      The state of the Spirit in the world of Spirits, after committing such an act in matter, will be very different, and depends greatly on the mental state of each person. Those who commit the act in an unrestrained reflex will quickly understand the error; others, who commit crimes in a state of despair, may continue precisely in that despair, amplified by the absence of the physical body. The possibilities are countless.

      What really remains is that earthly life is a blessed opportunity for learning and overcoming. The Spirit that calculatedly surrenders to the suicide of the body, far from being free from its moral afflictions, will see them magnified, because, for the Spirit, there is no time. He will focus even more on them.

      Spiritist novels, published without analysis, released to the public without doctrinal reflection, have greatly contributed to the erasure of the truths so dedicatedly found by Kardec, in an unprecedented joint effort to communicate with the Spirits.


      Paulo Degering R. Jr

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