Undersigned: FEB does not represent Spiritism!


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The Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) assumed a very distant character and, in many points, diametrically opposed to the fundamental principles of Spiritism, so well demonstrated by the exhaustive studies of Allan Kardec, who gave them his time, his resources, his health and, In the end, your life. The FEB recommends not evoking it, when it is an indispensable tool for the Doctrine; always advises against private meetings, when the superior Spirits themselves have encouraged them; publishes everything without the necessary doctrinal analysis, producing works that are contrary to Spiritism and reaching the point of causing embarrassment to the Doctrine, etc.

Guided by the FEB, most of the Spiritist Movement, unaware of the Roustainuist (or Rustenist) origin of this institution, embarked on an absurdly distorted path. A quick reading of “Ponto Final: o reencontro do Espiritismo com Allan Kardec”, by Wilson Garcia, to understand the reason for all this distortion: people from the Sayão Group, an avowedly Roustainuist group, dominated the FEB since the end of the 19th century , inserting into it and, consequently, into the Brazilian Spiritist Movement, its characteristics contrary to the method and organization necessary for the continued development of spiritist science, as we can see especially in the following articles from the Spiritist Magazine: ORGANIZAÇÃO DO SPIRITISM, December 1861 , and TRANSITIONAL CONSTITUTION OF SPIRITISM, December 1868.

In its philosophical and moral essence, Brazilian Spiritism is also very far from the true face of Consoling Spiritism, as we can understand by reading “Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism”.

As if all this were not enough, we now have diverse evidence of significant adulterations in works psychographed by Chico Xavier, completely altering, in some points, the original meaning of the text. Furthermore, we have the great unknown called “Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”, whose original psychography was incinerated by the FEB and which, not by chance, inserts several absurdities against the Doctrine, affirming Roustaing as a great worker of Spiritism, together with Kardec, and the “Angel” Ismael, a Spirit who originally mystified the Sayão Group, as a great spiritual leader of the Brazilian homeland.

For these and many others, we, the undersigned, declare, for record purposes, that we do not feel represented by the FEB and the Brazilian Spiritist Movement, thus highlighting the necessary return to the origins of Spiritism, duly contextualized by the complementary understanding of Spiritualism Rational and Animal Magnetism, in order to prepare the ground for the future resumption of Spiritism as it really is, with the resumption of its development through collaboration between small groups, without institutions above them, as demonstrated necessary by Kardec, in the articles previously mentioned.

The Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec inaugurates this effort merely for registration purposes, without any intention of dispute or prohibitions, wishing to soon see Spiritism being understood and recognized as a Philosophical Science of moral consequences, with its method and organization reestablished and removed from the characteristic of religion attributed to him by the FEB, something he never was (Annual session commemorating the dead, RE68).

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3 thoughts on “Abaixo-assinado: A FEB não representa o Espiritismo!

  1. It is high time to remove this idea of leaders in spiritualism from the spiritist movement. Neither institution nor any personality that responds to the Spiritist Doctrine.
    Down with FEB, down with star mediums.

    1. Lauro, the idea is not to remove anyone or prohibit anything, but rather that awakened minds take their path of learning through the proper study of Kardec's works. When they do this, they will naturally move away from the distortions caused by centuries-old Roustainuist dogmatism.

      1. I'm Portuguese and I live in Lagos, in the south of Portugal. I have a degree in medicine. During my research I came across your blog. What is happening at the moment makes me sad. They come from Brazil to sell their books, and humble souls with little education and no scientific or critical spirit fall into their traps. You are right. It's time to open our eyes and see what is true and what is false. Who is the spirit of Emmanuel? Who is the spirit of André Luís? The same spirit with two different names? Universal validity does not exist in any of your books! These are “Little Red Riding Hood” type stories. Any medium can be a victim of obsession, I believe.

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